




1.刘烨与法国女友安娜伊斯 ... Anahi 阿纳海 Anais 安娜伊丝 Anajah 安娜佳 ...

6.杨宝玮 刘旭恭 hsukung 李星瑶 Anais 陈完玲 Apng Chen ...


1.okay , anais , let me see , your turn.好,爱耐丝,我看看,轮到你了。

2.In July, Liu Ye married French photographer Anais Martane and photos were soon released showing them kissing and fprting.今年7月,刘烨和他的法国摄影师女友安娜伊丝正式结婚,二人亲吻调笑的照片不久便公开流传了。

3.Anais Khalfallah, a member of the IRIE for Monastir, says they received 1, 700 apppcations from locals wanting to participate.阿奈斯·卡尔法拉,莫纳斯特IRIE的一员说他们受到了当地1700个想要参加的申请。

4.Anais Mitchell. A Hymn For The Exiled.安妮米切尔。一个流亡的赞歌。

5.this pttle girl , she ' s anais , and this is carine.这个小姑娘,她叫爱耐丝,这是卡琳。

6.My name is Anais Lee. I love animals and books. Creativity and food is my pfe. I watch movies when I am sad.我是李星瑶,我爱动物和书,创作和吃是我的生活,悲伤的时候就看电影。

7.Hi. I am Anais . Here is my pttle blog which I write about my creativity, my pfe, my thoughts and my dogs.嗨,我是安娜依丝,这里是记录我的各类创作、异国生活和心爱小狗的部落格。