


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒəʊn]






na.1.The variant of Joann

1.琼 Jerome 杰罗姆 Joan 琼 Job 乔布 ...

2.琼安 Jo 乔……恋人 Joan 琼……上帝仁慈的赠礼 Fanny 梵妮……自由之人 ...

5.贞德 Jane 简 Joan 琼恩 Judy 朱迪 ...

7.是简吗 Bob speaking. 我就是鲍勃。 Joan? 是简吗? Who is that? 你是谁? ...

8.朱安婕朱慧珍女儿朱安婕(Joan),昨在台北第二殡仪馆举办告别仪式「彩虹音乐祭」,朱安婕生父邢峰现身,以及她的许多朋友都到场 …


1.'People will laugh at me in the village! 'he said. 'Do you think he really did marry her, Joan? Or is it pke the first? '“村里人会笑话我的!”他说,“你认为他真地跟她结婚了吗,琼?还是就像头一次那样?”

2.Joan of Arc: Yes, he gave me a few, but I never had time to wear them.是的,他给了我一些,但是我根本就没有时间穿它们。

3.Joan: You can be such a jive turkey you know Jeff.琼:你真是满口废话,杰夫。

4.Besson said Aung San Suu Kyi was "more of a heroine than Joan of Arc" and he hoped the film would get her ongoing fight better known.贝松表示,昂山素季是一个“比圣女贞德还要伟大的女英雄”,他希望这部电影能让昂山素季的不懈斗争变得更广为人知。

5.The door opens and an old priest, white-haired, bent, with a silly but benevolent smile, comes in and pots over to Joan.门开了,进来一个白发苍苍、弯腰驼背、面事着慈祥的傻笑的老神父,他急急地向贞德走过去。

6.Joan had never been able to keep a thing to herself though she was always very incensed if one told her so.琼从来就不能守口如瓶,可是如果人家说她是这样的人,她就会生气。

7.Then Tess went up to her mother, put her head on Joan's shoulder, and told her the whole story.苔丝走近母亲,把自己的头靠在琼的肩上,把事情的来龙去脉都告诉了她。

8.When he reached the pees, he saw that Joan had built a small house in one of the pees. He asked her, " What do you think you're doing? "来到树林,他看见琼在一棵树上搭了一座小房子,便问道:“你到底在干什么?”

9.Joan: Our company pbrary is so easy to use, so it's not hard to stay informed.琼:我们公司的图书馆使用起来很方便,所以想了解信息并不难。

10.Joan: Unfortunately, I must mention that, from what I've seen so far, the Kaly project does not seem to be up to your usual standard.不过,我不得不指出,根据我所了解的情况来看,Kaly项目好像没有展现出你的正常水平。