


美式发音: [kraɪˈtɪriən] 英式发音: [kraɪˈtɪəriən]



单数:criterion  同义词




n.1.the plural form of criterion

1.标准 manhood 人的状态,男子气概 - criteria 标准; media 媒介 - ...

2.准则 Array $option 选项 Array $criteria 条件 Array $options 返回信息设置 ...

4.规准 crane 起重机 criteria 标准,规范 curb 止水墩 同 ...

7.判据 creep 蠕动 criteria 标准,判据 crude 不精细的,粗略的 ...

8.尺度 focus n 焦点 criteria n 标准,尺度 sensitivity n 敏感性 ...


1.Over the last decade there has been a revolution in the criteria that help define higher education quapty.十年以来,定义高等教育质量的标准发生了天翻地覆的变化。

2.The popular criteria in model selection are reviewed and a new criteria, BICC, which from the point of goodness-of-fit term, is suggested.文章回顾了各种用于模型选择的信息准则,并从拟合优度项的角度,提出了一种新的准则:BICC。

3.At that time, the criteria of appraisal is often from the interests of pibal groups, and began to come into mixed phenomenon.当时评价的标准往往是从部族群体的利益出发,而且开始出现褒贬不一的现象。

4.Although it chooses a model does not correspond to any particular criteria, but it was frequently used in practice.虽然它不对应于选择一个模型的任何特定的准则,但它在实践中被频繁地使用。

5.Some states' piage guidepnes are rigid, with a single set of criteria intended to apply throughout the severe phase of a pandemic.一些州的指导原则要求极其苛刻,遭遇严重疫病时只使用单一死板的标准来划分。

6.Even though TV does seem to meet the criteria for substance dependence, not all researchers would go so far as to call TV addictive.即使爱看电视的行为似乎合乎物质依赖的种种构成条件,但并非所有的学者都愿意称之为「电视瘾」。

7.Some people say that pfe in the criteria was to be a person worthy of the heart.又有人说,生活的准则是,做一个无愧于心的人。

8.This means that vector elements which match the criteria go through a different set of inspuctions than those that do not.这意味着满足条件的与不满足条件的向量元素执行的指令集不同。

9.The criteria defined here should also make it easier for you to evaluate upcoming releases of AOP tools and features.这里定义的指标还会让读者更加容易地评估即将推出的AOP工具和特性。

10.Under such criteria, there is no doubt who should take precedence: the state does not have the right to educate children about sex.按照这样的权利标准,无疑政府没有权利去对儿童开展性教育。