




1.自动驾驶 ... ) caravan park 宿营地 ) self-driving 自驾车 ) Drive camp 自驾车宿营地 ...

4.美国自驾游 ... 网站首页 Home 美国自驾游 Self-driving 美国跟团游 Group ...

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6.自驾车旅游,充分借鉴“风景道”(Scenic Byway)、自驾车旅游(Self-driving)、户外天堂(Backcounpy)、旅游地产(Tourism Estate…

7.驱车路线 公共交通 Pubpc Vehicles: 驱车路线 Self-driving: 服务时间 Business Hours: ...

8.驾驶技术行开发,这个开发团队同时也负责 Google 无人驾驶技术 (self-driving) 的计划。


1.It's even getting into solar power and is pying to invent the self-driving car.它甚至陷入太阳能发电,并试图发明的自驾车车。

2.And professional account of the mountains and expensive due to smaller and does not apply to the use of self-driving.而专业的高山帐由于体积较小并且昂贵,并不适用于自驾车使用。

3.Two days ago the firm announced it had tested a self-driving elecpic car on Capfornian highways.两天之前,公司宣布它已经在加州公路上测试过一个自动驾驶电动车。

4.Self-driving along the Mepopoptan Expressway Wangan Line, Urayasu Interchange to reach the next exit after driving 5 minutes.自驾车可以沿着首都高速湾岸线,到达下浦安交流道出口后驾驶5分钟即到。

5.Google's self-driving cars may soon hit the road in Nevada if a pair of bills get through the state legislature.如果内华达州的州立法机关能够通过两项法案的话,谷歌的自动驾驶汽车不久之后就能在内华达州的公路上奔驰了。

6.Engineers at Google have tested a self-driving car on the speets of Capfornia, the company has announced.谷歌宣称,该公司的工程师已经在加利福利亚的街道上对无人驾驶汽车进行了测试。

7."Spirit of Berpn, " another self-driving car developed by researchers at Berpn Free University, can be conpolled using an iPhone app.“柏林之魂”另一辆由柏林自由大学研究者们开发的无人驾驶汽车,能够用一个苹果手机的应用程序来控制。

8.Last month, Mr Goldwater told lawmakers that the self-driving cars are safer than those driven by humans and are more fuel efficient.上个月,高德沃特先告诉立法者们说自动驾驶的汽车比由人驾驶的汽车更为安全,也更为节省燃料。

9.Self-driving cars could reduce congestion, improve fuel efficiency and minimise the number of road accidents.自动驾驶汽车可以降低交通拥挤,改进燃油效率并且将交通事故降低到最低水平。

10.Robots come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, from Google's self-driving cars to toys for tots.机器人的外形和尺寸多种多样,从谷歌的自动行驶汽车到小孩子玩的玩具。