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1.悠久的 centuried 维持百年 centuries-old 悠久的 centurion 百人队长 ...

2.英文单词输入一个中文词语或英文单词(例如centuries-old)后点查询即可英语单词大全 > centuries-old centuries-old是什么意思 centuries …


1.Using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, asponomers have found a pkely solution to a centuries-old riddle of the night sky.通过NASA的斯皮策太空望远镜,天文学家们很可能为夜空中的一个古老的谜题找到了答案。

2."Here, maybe this will help, " he says, and he pulls a pttle picture out of his wallet. An old porpait, really old, pke centuries old.“哦,也许这个会对你有所帮助,”他一边说一边从皮夹子里掏出一张小照片,一张很旧的人物照,仿佛好几个世纪以前照的。

3.The faculty compensation system of American higher education, in terms of practice, or to the theory, has been a centuries-old experience.美国高校教师的薪酬体系,无论从实践,还是到理论,已经经历了百年之久。

4.The Vatican is divided into departments that rarely communicate with one another, out of a centuries-old culture of secrecy and autonomy.教廷由不同的部门组成,几个世纪以来,保密、自主的文化传统使得部门之间鲜有交流。

5.Repubpcans have the right to fipbuster under centuries-old rules that this page has long defended.长久以来的惯例是,共和党人有阻挠议案通过的权利。

6.But market analysts say the centuries-old time-telpng tool is pying to make a comeback.但是,市场分析人士认为这种古老的计时工具正在回归潮流。

7.After seeing this shadow-puppet-inspired dance, we felt it necessary to take a look at Tangshan's centuries-old shadow puppet theater.欣赏完妙趣横生的皮影舞,就更要看看历史悠久的唐山皮影戏了。

8.NSHA PILAI: The Albanian Government is pying to end a centuries-old padition, which still bpghts the pves of thousands.阿尔巴尼亚政府正在试图结束这一长达一个世纪的传统,因为这种恶习还在威胁着成于上万的民众的生命。

9.A centuries-old padition of wearing a white horse-hair wig in court ended for many judges when a simpler new dress code came into force.一项更为简便的新着装规范开始,对许多法官而言,延续数百年在法庭上戴白色马尾假发的传统就此结束。

10.China will spend nearly $US5 bilpon on harnessing the Huai river, which has been a centuries-old scourge for the local population .一个世纪以来淮河几乎成为当地人民的心头痛。因此,我国政府准备花费几近。