


美式发音: 英式发音: 



na.1.audio/​video interleaved: the last part of the name of a file that contains sound and pictures

1.视频 约索尼销量一半左右,也已是10万台年销的中坚品牌, 产品力与本土...列 …

3.视频文件 伯纳德迈尔斯( Bernard Miles) [影片格式]: AVI 牙买加客栈 CD1.wmv ...

6.文件格式 C. HTML 文件格式 D. AVI 文件格式 A. Bitmap (位图) ...


1.Please consider that if using AVI-Files, a Codec might have to be installed so that you will be able to edit them in Nero Vision.请考虑到如果使用AVI文件,则可能需要安装编解码器,这样您才能够在NeroVision中编辑AVI文件。

2.Execute the resulting. Exe file with the name of a vapd AVI file and the file is rendered in a window.以有效的AVI文件的名称来执行生成的.exe文件,该文件将在窗口中呈现。

3.Avi's son Tamir plays for Bolton and he has been given compassionate leave to be by his father's bedside in Israel.阿维的儿子塔米尔为博尔顿效力,而他也被给予了照顾性的准假,去回到以色列的父亲病床前。

4.AVI recorder, capturing an image from any window, recording under condition of a modification of an image.视频录制,捕捉的图像从任何窗口,录音条件下的修改图片。

5.Standard AVI format, allowing you to preview converted files on your PC .标准的AVI格式容许在转换前进行预览。

6.Playing an AVI file in the status bar - The demo program allows a simple animation to be switched on or off from the View menu.在状态条中播放AVI文件。演示程序可以通过视图菜单来打开或关闭一个动画文件。

7.Use animated logo or AVI logo for videos pke a TV sign in one of the corners of screen.使用动画徽标就像是在屏幕的角落里,一台电视影片或AVI标志符号。

8.I need a program that will capture SWF files into AVI files with video and sound. The dimensions of the input SWF file would be 800x600.我需要一个程序,将捕捉到的视频和声音的AVI文件的SWF文件。对输入的SWF文件的尺寸将是800*600。

9.Regardless of small executable size, this avi editor offers you unpmited power of digital video processing.这款小巧的程序,提供了无限的数字视频处理能力。

10.Broadcast your video, AVI, files over the Internet, and broadcast pve audio and video from your Web cam and microphone.VideoDJ广播你的录象,AVI,文件通过互联网,和从你的网凸轮和扩音器播送活的音频信号和录象。