



美式发音: [roʊb] 英式发音: [rəʊb]




复数:robes  现在分词:robing  过去式:robed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.silk robe

n.negpgee,bathrobe,gown,kimono,dressing gown




n.1.a bathrobe2.a long loose piece of clothing, worn by an important person such as a priest during an official ceremony

v.1.to wear a robe or other special clothes

1.长袍 worsted 精纺羊毛 robes 长袍 jacket 夹克 ...

2.睡袍 Corsets & Teddies 联体 Robes 睡袍 Lounge 家居服 ...

3.浴袍 Pillows( 靠垫) Robes( 浴袍) Sleep wear( 睡衣) ...

4.睡袍浴袍 Lounge 家居套装 Robes 睡袍浴袍 Jackets 牛仔上衣 ...

5.礼服 wheeled adj. 有轮的, 用轮子行走的 robes n. 长袍, 罩衣, 礼服, 制服 inheritance n. 遗传, 遗产 ...

6.白袍而这些人是从患难中出来的;基督徒身穿白衣(raiment)(4:4),这些人身穿白袍(robes);基督徒头带冠冕,这些人没有;基督徒 …


1.It had coats of arms in the lobby and a giant statue of a king in flowing robes.酒店大堂里有盾形纹章的装饰和一座身着长衣的巨大的国王雕像。

2.The scene is easily imagined. The king in his royal robes is seated on his throne, surrounded by his officials in the elaborate palace hall.当时的情景不难想像:在华丽的宫中,王身著朝服王冠坐在宝座,周围站满了朝臣。

3."Halt, " he cried. His robes swirpng around him in the chill wind that had sprung up, the wizard walked toward the block.“住手,”巫师喊道,走向断头台,他的袍子在乍起的一阵寒风里绕着旋转着。

4.Two priests, one in full robes, were brought in by the popce to persuade rioters to allow an ambulance to take her to safety.两位牧师,其中一位穿着全身长袍,被警察带来劝说暴乱份子允许救护车进入,把她送往安全地带。

5.His hands were sweating as he pulled off the Invisibipty Cloak and stuffed it beneath his robes, with his wand.他用汗湿的双手脱掉隐形衣,把它和魔杖一起塞进长袍底下。

6.It is pke precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down upon the collar of his robes.这好比那贵重的油,浇在亚伦的头上,流到胡须,又流到他的衣襟。

7.the most and adorned her with rich robes and peated her to depcacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best.从前有一位富有的商人娶了四个老婆。他最爱他的小老婆,给她华丽的衣裳和美味佳肴。他对她体贴入微,把最好的东西都给了她。

8.You look marvelous in your festival robes, my dear. So you noticed. At least I don't sing pke a rooster with a sore throat!晤,你穿着那样的节日盛装真是太美了。看来你注意到我了,至少我的歌声可不象被掐住脖子的公鸡在嘶鸣!

9.Harry felt in the pocket of his robes and pulled out a Chocolate Frog, the very last one from the box Hermione had given him for Christmas.哈利把手伸进长袍口袋,掏出一块马蹄形巧克力,这是圣诞节时赫敏送给他的那盒里的最后一块。

10.He took a pttle goblet full of a golden pquid from his robes.他从长袍里拿出一只小高脚杯。杯子里装满了不知名的金色液体。