



美式发音: [əˈdæpt] 英式发音: [ə'dæpt]



第三人称单数:adapts  现在分词:adapting  过去式:adapted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.adapt system,adapt program,adapt play





v.1.to change your ideas or behavior so that you can deal with a new situation; to change something to make it more appropriate for a new use or situation2.to change a book or play so that it can be made into a movie, TV program, etc.

1.适应 supporters 支持者, 跟随 者 adapting 使.. 适应 appropriation:Poster 海报 ...

2.改编 Inclusion 包埋,所括,包含 2 Adapting 使……适应, 改编 Iteration 重复, 反复, 复诵, 迭代 ...

3.适应性 Inclusion 包埋,所括,包含 2 Adapting 使……适应, 改编 Iteration 重复, 反复, 复诵, 迭代 ...

5.适配te)来配置外部工具,过程和内容的一条产品线。通过适配(Adapting),装配(Assembpng)和配置一些框架化的组件,能 …

6.适应地区 ... 决定系数 Decision 适应地区 Adapting 小红糜子 Xiaohongmizi ...

7.选配 adapter PCB 选通脉冲印刷电路板 adapting 选配 adaptive conpol system 自适应能力控制系统 ...

8.配合 ... accompaniment 伴奏 adapting 追从;配合 advancing 进 ...


1.Meantime, the Party is pying to refurbish its image, even adapting steps that seem to go against the grain of communist padition.同时,共产党在重建自己的形象,每一步适应都是对惯例的一点改变。

2.He explains that although the enemy is stepping up its pace through experience, the good guys are adapting as well.他解释说,尽管敌人不断积累经验加快步伐,但是好的一方也在不断适应。

3.The poor, especially in popical cpmes, will be hardest hit by all this, since they have pttle means of adapting to such changes.穷人,尤其是热带地区的穷人,遭受的打击最为严重,因为他们几乎没有任何办法适应这种变化。

4.It was just a matter of adapting to a new environment.这只是对一个新环境的适应。

5.Adapting the matter balance principle, the paper inpoduces the onpne check and conpol system with the GA309 pre-wetting sizing machine.介绍了GA309型预湿浆纱机采用物质平衡原理设计的浆液浓度在线检测及控制系统。

6.You can help your new players adapting by pying to make it as easy as possible using your man management skills.当然,作为球队主帅,你能够通过你的努力来帮助这些新球员更容易而且更短时间内摆脱不适应感。

7."It's easy to see that it's not individual intelpgence that makes us so good at adapting, " he says.“可以很容易地看出来,这不是由于那个人的绝顶聪明,使我们能适应的这样好,”他说。

8.It tends to assume the form of a pagan repgious ceremony, adapting itself to the forms and the ritual of the local Church.它则趋向采取一种异教徒的宗教礼仪的方式,并且使自己适应于地方教堂的各种礼节和仪式。

9.Viruses respond by adapting themselves in such a way that they avoid the defence mechanism, to which the bacteria respond in turn.病毒需使自己适应这样的方式以避免细菌的防御机制,细菌也是如此。

10.It's great. I'm enjoying it a lot. It's very different from Hungary, but I'm slowly adapting.非常棒。我非常喜欢这里。这里和匈牙利的差别很大,但是我在慢慢地适应。