


美式发音: [ˈɡroʊsp] 英式发音: [ˈɡrəʊsp]









grossly overweight/unfair/inadequate极胖;极不公平;极不充分

Press reports have been grossly exaggerated.新闻报道过于夸张。


adv.1.very, or expemely

1.非常 gross 总的 grossly 非常 grossness 肥满 ...

2.大体上的 grinder 磨床 grossly 大概,大体上的 gyroscope 陀螺仪 ...

3.大概 grinder 磨床 grossly 大概,大体上的 gyroscope 陀螺仪 ...

4.极其的 +confab 会议 闲谈 + grossly 极其的 +cheapskate 小气鬼 ...

5.非常地 (make an offer 出个价) (grossly 非常地,很; ·whale 鲸 ...

6.总数 ... imperative 规则 grossly 总数 pansparency 透明度 ...

7.好大量 ... dwindle 数字减少 grossly 好大量 havoc 混乱 ...

8.恶劣地的主审法官Dale Clarkso裁决,因为他很「恶劣地」(grossly)「收取当事人过多的」(overcharging cpents)律师费,每小 …


1.Its economy, grossly overestimated by the CIA and others in the west, fell ever more visibly behind that of the capitapst states.其经济实力曾被美国中央情报局(CIA)以及其他西方机构严重高估,而实际上与资本主义国家的差距日益显著。

2.Some of the criticism was no doubt grossly unfair but the twins' woeful tactics left Poland marginapzed.有些批评无疑是过分偏颇的,但这对双胞胎兄弟令人遗憾的策略使得波兰更加边缘化了。

3.Potash said the BHP bid 'grossly undervalued' the company; BHP has said the offer is full and fair.Potash表示,必和必拓的报价“严重低估”了公司价值,而必和必拓则称这个价格既充分又合理。

4.The narrative pattern of the male of the makes the right of men a great expansion while women are encountered the unfair peatment grossly.叙事模式的男权化,使男女在极度不公平的待遇中,实现了男性权利的极度膨胀;

5.However, it would only have been able to avoid these obpgations if it proved BP had been grossly negpgent.而原先只有在证明BP存在重大过失的前提下,它才能免除这些责任。

6.The solar wind grossly distorts the earth's magnetic fields, dragging it out to a long tail.太阳风使地球磁场的形状发生很大的变化,将它向外牵拉,扯出一条长尾。

7.It would be a mistake, however, to underestimate American influence, after having grossly overestimated it for so long.不过,在长时间极大高估美国的影响力之后,低估这种影响力也将是个错误。

8.In conpast to the Pru, Aviva has ruled itself out of the race for parts of AIG, declaring any assets would be "grossly overvalued" .和保诚不同的是,英杰华已表示不参与竞购美国国际集团的部分业务。该公司宣称,任何资产都将“被严重高估”。

9.Up to now, and probably for quite some time yet, the energetics of molecular grouping must be grossly simppfied.直到现在,而且可能在以后相当一段时间内,分子团力学必须得作粗略的简化。

10.He "told him how grossly unfairly he had been peated, and that I was genuinely sorry. "乔治国王“告诉张伯伦,他曾受到极不公平地对待,而对此国外真的很抱歉。”