

preposition:[英 [ˌprepəˈzɪʃn] 美 [ˌprɛpəˈzɪʃən] ]



preposition 基本解释

名词介词; 前置词

preposition 网络解释

1. 前置词:这讲中,我们出现了一个新的词--后置词. 后置词的概念是和汉语、英语的介词相对等的. 英语中介词称作preposition(前置词). 因为维语是宾语在述语前面,所以英语中前置词(preposition)的概念在维语中成为了后置词这一概念.


2. 介系词:他举例指,介系词(preposition)不应放在句子末,如「Who are you looking at?」正确应为「At whom are you looking?」. 他又指,美国心理学协会指定「since」不可理解为「因为」,只可解作「自从」,但其实两个解释均正确.

3. 介词 ,介词:(八)介词 介词(preposition)又叫前置词,放在名词、代词或相当于名词的词前面,表示它后面的词与句子中其它成分之间的关系. 介词在句中一般不重读,也不能单独作句子成分. 介词根据其构成,可分为简单介词,如:in, at, for, since等;

preposition 双语例句

1. The paper puts forward a kind of photo electricity detector preposition videoplayer and time order gain control circuit, and narrates its work principle, device consideration and calculation.


2. preposition的反义词

2. Direct object and indirect object when the location of exchange plus a preposition to or for...

直接宾语和间接宾语的位置调换时要加一个介词to或for 。。。


3. A is a preposition, which cannot follow a sentence.


4. preposition的解释

4. The following findings areobtained:1 Misuse of parts of speech is widespread among the five groups of ChineseEnglish learners at various proficiency levels. Non-English major college studentsmisuse parts of speech most frequently. The senior high school students`relativelylower occurrence of misuse of parts of speech cannot suggest that they havemastered the rules of parts of speech because their vocabulary is limited. While highproficiency learners, English major college students have the lowest frequency inalmost every category of misuse of parts of speech.2 Misuse of parts of speech in CLEC can be generally classified into sixcategories. They are misuse of noun, misuse of verb, misuse of adjective, misuse ofadverb, misuse of preposition and misuse of gerund. Each category of misuse ofparts of speech can be specifically classified into several types.3 Among the six categories of misuse of parts of speech, misuse of adjectivesoccurs most frequently in each of the five sub-corpora.4 Misuse of parts of speech occurs more frequently in the following words:different, important, happy, like, success, developing, economic and social.

通过研究,我们发现:1词性误用在五组不同水平的中国英语学习者中广泛分布,其中非英语专业大学英语学习者的词性误用最为显著,其次是高中英语学习者(他们并非已掌握了词性使用规则,而是因为词汇量很有限),而英语专业学习者的词性误用最少。2中国英语学习者的词性误用可分为六大类:名词误用、动词误用、形容词误用、副词误用、介词误用、动名词误用,每一大类又可细分为若干小类。3 在六大类词性误用中,各类中国英语学习者的形容词误用频率都最高。4中国英语学习者词性误用频率较高的单词有:different,important,happy,like,success,developing,economic,social。

5. In their composition, the using of preposition is not suitable.


6. In such a case, it is usually used after a preposition.


7. We use different preposition to talk about time, days, months and seasons.


8. What do you know about this preposition?



9. Finally, it points out that we should continue to strengthen the study of preposition.


10. This paper studies the preposition system of Quanzhou dialect.


11. This article proposes the construction of hypothetical preposition from four aspects: the facts of a case; the theories of the composition of a crime; the legal prescriptions and the characteristics of hypothetical preposition.


12. preposition的解释

12. This is the case of the direct object of the sentence, AND of the object of a preposition.


13. preposition

13. Sometimes, a word may change its part of speech by adding a preposition or a suffix.


14. As a mark of their origin, these positions have titles using the preposition a that indicates the responsibilites of slaves

做为其起源的标志,这类职位的开头都有一个前缀a 或ab,这表示这是奴隶的职责


15. We list files of type according to semantics function, grammar function respectively: Mengzizhangju by Zhaoqi preposition semantic function distribution tables and Mengzizhangju by Zhaoqi preposition grammatical function distribution tables, which show the use situations and characteristics of the prepositions in Mengzizhangju by directly.


16. This text inquiries into the preposition system in Sou Shen Ji by Gan Bao in the east Jin (280 AD—350 AD).


17. So I choose preposition in the Annals of San Guo as my study subject, having overall observation and studies, detailed statistics, and making investigation and analysis about this.



18. As each of the two passive voices has its character, the preposition, which collocates with it, is quite different.


19. He has a predilection for the preposition apo, using it even when Mark and Luke use ek, and for the expression uios David.


20. In some extent, if HRT of preposition anaerobic phase is prolonged and anaerobic condition is more sufficient, phosphorus-intake dynamic force of POAs will be stronger.


preposition 词典解释

1. 介词;前置词

A preposition is a word such as 'by', 'for', 'into', or 'with' which usually has a noun group as its object.

e.g. There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong.


preposition 英英释义



1. a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word

2. (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached)