

forger:[英 [ˈfɔ:dʒə(r)] 美 [ˈfɔ:rdʒə(r)] ]



forger 基本解释



forger 网络解释

1. 锻工:GARDENER 园丁,花匠,菜农 | FORGER 锻工 | TURNER 车工,镟工

2. 伪造犯:forged note 假钞 | forger 伪造犯 | forgery bond 伪造保证保险

3. 伪造者,打铁匠:204. forebear: 祖宗,祖先. | 205. forger: 伪造者,打铁匠. | 206. forerunner: 先驱.

4. 伪造者, 铁匠, 赝造者:forge 稳步前进, 铸造, 伪造 | forger 伪造者, 铁匠, 赝造者 | seduce 引诱

forger 双语例句

1. But I will never forger her.



2. Second, concerning the liability of the forger.


3. I am always the forger of my own destiny, and its wheel continues to rotate unstoppably regardless of whether I cry or laugh.


4. He believes art forger Koppy Kat stole the valuable original and replaced it with a copy.


5. When Huang Di ascended to the throne, he did not forger his promise to the Goddess of Nine Heavens.


6. To a Jian master, full iron Jian is failed even not durable. These should be made by the forger who don't know escrime.



7. In the former situation, the drawer shall himself bear the effect because the drawer breached the obligation of payment examination; in the latter situation, the drawer may exempt from assuming the liability due to his good faith, will no longer again assume the obligation of payment to the true obliger, thus the forger can only claim the damages against the forger for the damage caused on him.


8. The forger was in his eighties however, he had not lost a hair's-breadth of his ability in making sword.


9. Zhi Travels North (9)九 1 The minister of war hired a forger especially to make sword for him.



10. The addition to the text of Didymus, according to which it was the work of a forger, seems to be the error of a copyist.

增加的案文Didymus ,根据它的工作的伪造,似乎是错误的模仿。

11. But that's only part of the problem, saidGary Forger, Senior VP of Professional Development for the Material Handling Industry of America, in his keynote address at ProMat 2009 earlier this month.

但是,这只是问题的一部分,加里说伪造者,高级副总裁的专业发展为物流业合众国,在其主题演讲中ProMat 2009年在本月初。

12. The lame god of fire, Hephaestus, was the forger of the thunderbolts of Zeus and the fashioner of arms and all sorts of metal work for the gods and heroes



13. The forger does not understand this necessity for natural variation and, as nearly as he can, makes words and letters just alike.


14. We therefore decree by this general constitution that if anyone henceforth presumes to seek apostolic letters on any matter without a special mandate from his superior, then the letters are invalid and he is to be punished as a forger, unless by chance persons are involved for whom a mandate should not in law be demanded.


15. Yet there are still ways of staying ahead in the cat-and-mouse game of issuer and forger.


16. forger的近义词

16. On the occasion of forged endorsement, the risk responsibility is attributed to the forged person under the Geneva commercial paper law system. Whereas the risk responsibility is mainly attributed to the forger immediate subsequent one under the Anglo-American paper law system.


17. Kelley was a notorious forger, mystic and alchemist who was familiar with Cardan grilles.


18. What doth the graven thing avail, because the maker thereof hath graven it, a molten, and a false image? because the forger thereof hath trusted in a thing of his own forging, to make dumb idols.


19. I think we're dealing with the work of a forger.


20. The minister of war hired a forger especially to make sword for him.


forger 英英释义


1. someone who makes copies illegally

Synonym: counterfeiter

2. someone who operates a forge