

markup:[英 [ˈmɑ:kʌp] 美 [ˈmɑ:rkʌp] ]


markup 基本解释


名词(在成本的基础上)加价,利润; 赢利

markup 网络解释

1. 涨价:但是,生产率和工资涨价(markup)等变化的现象,其实可以认为也是由货币的产生与消失引起的. 新古典派使用以日美为主的各国宏观数据进行的分析显示出,用生产率的变化可以解释经济变动的相当大部分. 而且分析结果还表明,

2. 标示:理想状况下应该 0 个XML 标示 (Markup) 的简化部分是不重要的.(译注:此目标是为了解决 SGML 有关简化 (Minimization) 的问题)例如甲骨文公司(Oracle)日前宣布推出网际网路商业智慧工具,


3. (成本)加成:很多学者认为,汇率变化的影响能够被对特定目标国成本加成(markup)部分的调整所抵消,从而使价格的变化程度小于汇率的变化程度,也就是产生了汇率波动对价格的不完全传递.

markup 双语例句

1. Use this when you want clean markup, free of presentational clutter.


2. One of the major benefits of CSS is the ability to control page layout without needing to use presentational markup.

CSS 的主要好处之一是,它能够控制页面布局而不需要使用表现性标签。

3. Therefore, the firm's optimal markup will be zero - the firm will be a price taker no longer a price maker.


4. XML stands for E x tensible M arkup L anguage, it is a markup language used to structure data logically using tags that look very similar to HTML.

的XML 段由可扩展 M arkup 蜇 anguage站,它是一种标记语言,用于数据的逻辑结构的使用标签,看起来非常类似于HTML格式。

5. markup的翻译

5. Looking closely at the mass of markup created, the only part we really need is the Flash file with the appropriate settings.


6. XML is a markup language for structuring arbitrary data.


7. The initiative recently adopted the Web-based Extensible Markup Language as a standardized means of structuring CIM data for presentation, and Hypertext Transfer Protocol for sending it from system to system.


8. Numbers are adjusted upward to take account of transfer pricing—the practice of booking China – sourced profits in Hong Kong or elsewhere by exporting goods from China at a small markup, then taking a bigger markup between those places and a final destination.


9. This paper briefly sums up some problems in the construction of educational resource system now days, and gives some solutions to them; Specially, introduces three-level architecture based on entity resource library and relative technology of storage, coding, resource description. The ERML (Educational Resource Markup Language) language and its detail are also introduced in this paper.


10. This paper briefly sums up some problems in the construction of educational resource system nowdays, and gives some solutions to them; Specially, introduces three-level architecture based on entity resource library and relative technology of storage, coding, resource description. The ERML (Educational Resource Markup Language) language and its detail are also introduced in this paper.


11. The labor is billed at the full rate, plus there is a markup on the engine itself.


12. markup

12. This informal format was the initial step toward creating a markup language.


13. markup什么意思

13. Inclusive of HTML markup, your profile has exceeded the maximum length allowed by AIM.


14. The markup per ounce is usually less than 1% of gold's current market price, making this cheaper than owning physical bullion.


15. markup的近义词

15. Now it's time to check that our markup is w3c valid!


16. Before using GRML, it is important to know how it differs from other formats and markup languages.


17. The progression price markup system has been a controversial issue.


18. Becase of building the new road, the houses price of this area is markup.


19. markup什么意思

19. Notice that in the grid markup, there are two links in the last column: Edit and Products.


20. This document specifies a syntax created by subsetting an existing, widely used international text processing standard Standard Generalized Markup Language, ISO 8879:1986(E as amended and corrected for use on the World Wide Web.

本文档规定了一种在万维网上使用的语法,该语法是通过选取一个现有的、并已被广泛使用的国际文本处理标准(ISO 8879:1986,即增补和修正后的SGML)的子集而创建的。

markup 单语例句

1. According to Liu, the hospital earned 110 million yuan in 2010 from the markup on medicine prices.

2. Many scholars questioned the target for house price caps, saying the markup expectation is thought too high.

markup 英英释义


1. detailed stylistic instructions for typesetting something that is to be printed

manual markup is usually written on the copy (e.g. underlining words that are to be set in italics)

2. the amount added to the cost to determine the asking price