

environmentalist:[英 [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst] 美 [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst] ]



environmentalist 基本解释


名词环保人士; 研究环境问题的专家; 环境保护论者,人类生态学者


environmentalist 网络解释

1. 环保主义者:又是一番风云变幻,一名环保主义者(environmentalist)随处乱丢纸张,而一个汉堡小摊前,摊主教育过度(overeducated),读书害人啊,嘿嘿;而一个正在狂吃汉堡的肥佬,好象没什么尿水,却有两份收入(double dips).

2. 环境学家:˙CKO他必须是一个环境学家(Environmentalist)与科技学家(Technologist),他必须塑造出一个适合激发创意与创意交流的环境或是作业平台,以鼓励并刺激创意的激发.


3. 环境学家; 环境工作者; 环境专家:environmental warning services 环境警报服务 | environmentalist 环境学家; 环境工作者; 环境专家 | environmentally acceptable substitute 环境能接受的代用品; 合乎环境要求的代品

environmentalist 双语例句

1. environmentalist的解释

1. If you are Ed Begley -- in fact, if you're anything like the actor -- then you don't really want to hear that it's possible to be an armchair environmentalist.


2. environmentalist的翻译

2. One solution is to put the garbage in a waste skip. But there is a better way, and a responsible environmentalist would bring it to a recycling station.


3. Everyone is jumping on the environmentalist`s green band wagon.


4. Environmentalist Mary Murphy oversees the worm farm at the Mount Nelson hotel.


5. Matt Rota, an environmentalist with The Gulf Restoration Network says if the oil makes landfall here, it will spell trouble for the entire coast.


6. environmentalist的近义词

6. To be sure, I was not a flower child, but I consider myself an environmentalist — an environmentalist armed with a malathion-loaded spray gun.


7. Even if you are not an environmentalist, the price of gas will definitely make you a conservationist.


8. environmentalist是什么意思

8. He claims to be an environmentalist, but I saw him litter.



9. Spearheaded by environmentalist and former U. S. vice president Al Gore, the concerts were said tolast more than 22 hours.


10. environmentalist

10. I am now doing a project about Svante Arrhenius and his contribution to the world as an environmentalist.

我正在做一个关于Svante Arrhenius和他作为环保主义者对世界做出的贡献的项目。


11. And you want to be an environmentalist?


12. It did not just inspire the vegetarian in me but also the environmentalist and humanitarian.


13. The Viridian Design Movement was an aesthetic movement focused on bright green environmentalist concepts.


14. environmentalist是什么意思

14. Fisherwoman turned environmentalist, she has been watching the destruction of the river in the Yangtze Delta for the last four years.


15. environmentalist

15. Famous environmentalist William Lindesay sponsored by BLACKYAK who has devoted to protect Great Wall since 1987 and other dozens of distributors attended the conference.

BLACK YAK公司的设计团队们和品牌赞助的户外环保人士,多年来一直致力于中国万里长城保护的英国人士威廉林赛先生与来自北京及周边的几十家经销商齐聚一堂。

16. M: I had no idea you were such as environmentalist before!


17. He was a very important politician for us and his wife was also an environmentalist.


18. Those of us resolving to lead a lower-carbon life in 2010 could do worse than acquire a copy of Prashant Vaze's new book, The Economical Environmentalist, in which the author picks over the fine details of his life.


19. This is not a world likely to note the advice of a serious environmentalist.


20. He is an environmentalist with a passion of the biology and geography of the region.


environmentalist 词典解释

1. 环境保护主义者;环境保护论者

An environmentalist is a person who is concerned with protecting and preserving the natural environment, for example by preventing pollution.


environmentalist 单语例句

1. An environmentalist in Shanghai is seeking business partners to educate people about green issues and form enterprises that dispose of waste safely.

2. But what environmentalist would be happy with a 43 percent increase in emissions?

3. I am a moderate environmentalist who strongly believes that a little compromise in our lifestyle should add a few good points to a greener tomorrow.

4. US environmentalist and agriculturalist Lester Brown talks of a " food bubble " a world awash with food grown using water that will never be replaced.

5. This is the second year environmentalist organization Green Sense is waging the " Lights Out Campaign ".

6. Environmentalist Yang Xin does research near a glacier at the source of the Yangtze River, where for 16 years he has been dedicated to environmental protection.

7. A leading CDU member said he would prefer a coalition with the liberal FDP and environmentalist Greens to a " grand coalition " with the SPD.

8. There also has been the emergence in Hong Kong of many environmentalist groups, who have made their presence felt in the Lung Mei project.

9. The avid environmentalist is a native of Yunnan and has visited the area several times before.

10. Today, it is difficult to find a single environmentalist who still backs the policy.

environmentalist是什么意思environmentalist 英英释义


1. someone who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution

Synonym: conservationist