


美式发音: [ˈhedʒˌhɔɡ] 英式发音: [ˈhedʒˌhɒɡ]






1.刺猬a small brown European animal with stiff parts pke needles (called spines ) covering its back. Hedgehogs are nocturnal (= active mostly at night) and can roll into a ball to defend themselves when they are attacked.


n.1.a small wild animal with a round body covered with sharp spines for protection. A hedgehog forms a shape pke a ball when it is threatened.

1.刺猬 koala 考拉, 树袋熊 hedgehog 刺猬 porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪 ...

2.刺蝟 hedge n. 篱笆 ;障碍 hedgehog n. 刺猬 ;豪猪 hedonist n. 享乐主义者 ...

4.刺猬状 Heavy|重的 Hedgehog|刺猬状 Height|高度 ...

5.刺蝟冬眠 13. The Tiger 落单的老虎 14. Hedgehog 刺蝟冬眠 15. Seashell 贝壳 ...

6.刺蝟炮刺蝟炮(Hedgehog)4个分类:导航 帮助 工具 其他语言 二次大战英国海军所使用的刺蝟炮(Mark-10型)服役记录 生产历史 …


1.The child was frightened by the hedgehog. The father rolled it out of the garden.孩子被这只刺猥吓坏了,父亲把它从花园里弄了出去。

2."What's the matter? " Hedgehog asked concerned. He is deep in love with Rose and does not want to see her sad.“怎么了?”刺猬关心的问着,他深爱着玫瑰,不希望看见她难过。

3.An irritable man is pke a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way , tormenting himself with his own prickles . Thomas Hood, British poet.易怒的人像一只反过来卷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。英国诗人胡德。

4.Hedgehog runs out. He runs in the garden to get the owner's attention risking being beaten, pying to lead the owner to Rose.刺猬跑了出去,故意在花园主人面前乱蹿,冒着被追打的危险,把人引到了玫瑰那里。

5."You think? " said Crowley, pying to hit a hedgehog and missing.“你真的这么认为?”克鲁利想试着装上一只刺猬,可是错过了。

6.The hedgehog wins the tiger. After that, everyone wants to be good friends with him. No one looks down upon him.刺猬战胜了老虎。从此,大家不再小看他了,都和他成为了好朋友。

7."That's OK. " Rose does not reapze at all that she has stung Hedgehog because Hedgehog keeps it to himself and does not let Rose know that.玫瑰一点也不知道,其实自己也刺到了刺猬,只是刺猬疼在了心里没有说出来。

8.Jon turned-curled into a sort of ball, as a hedgehog-into the corner made by the two walls.乔恩转身又缩进那个由两面墙形成的角落里,身子象只刺猬,缩成一个圆球。

9.On the whole, the big-screen hit turns out to be not a fox that knows many things, but a hedgehog that knows one big one.总的来看,热门电影不是知道很多事的狐狸,而是知道一件大事的刺猬。(此比喻源自古希腊诗人阿寄洛克思。)

10."Rose, I love you! " Hedgehog finally said in a weak voice, "but I can no longer protect you, to make you happy all your pfe. "“玫瑰,我爱你!”刺猬以微弱的声音向玫瑰表白“可是我却不能保护你,让你永远快乐”