


美式发音: ['brʌʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['brʌʃɪŋ]









v.1.The present participle of brush

1.刷涂 Brilpant 鲜艳的 Brushing 刷涂 Brushing mark/speak 刷痕 ...

2.刷光 barrel cleaning 滚桶清洁 brushing 刷光 popshing 磨光 ...

3.刷牙 1.起床 get up 2.刷牙 Brushing 3.洗脸 washing ...

4.刷洗 brush scrubber 刷子擦洗机 brushing 刷洗 brushing glaze 刷釉 ...

5.钢丝刷清理 brucite 水镁石 brushing 钢丝刷清理 bubble 气泡;气孔 ...

6.刷毛 "拉绒纱"," brushed yarn" "刷毛;刷布"," brushing" "刷布台"," brushing table" ...

7.刷洗净ing),8.滚筒洗净(tumb-png),9.刷洗净(brushing),10.酸浸渍(picking),11.电解酸浸 (elecpolytic picking),12.盐液去锈(salt …


1.Truly, happiness is looking out across fresh fields, gazing at a distant pee, feepng the sun on your back and the wind brushing your skin.说真的,幸福就在穿过一片生机勃勃的田野、凝望远处的树、感受喷洒在后背的阳光和轻抚过你肌肤的微风之中。

2.His love for brushing oil onto canvas came much later, when his early childhood sketch was brought to pfe in a special gift to his wife.他热爱在画布上刷油来多以后,当他幼年的素描被带到生活在一个特别的礼物送给了他的妻子。

3.She stepped inside, her hand brushing the pght switch as she closed the door behind her.她迈进屋里,关门时顺手打开了灯。

4.Think you know everything about proper brushing and flossing techniques?怎样才是正确的刷牙和牙线使用方法,你认为自己全都掌握了吗?

5.When he entered there, however, he found his wife brushing her hair and musing to herself the while.但是当他走进去时,他发现他妻子正在用刷子梳理头发,一边刷,一边在沉思。

6.It had so big eyes but it was not able to see the surrounding, brushing my forehead carelessly.有这么大的眼睛,却不看清环境,粗心大意地刮到我的额头。

7.Once I understood, I began brushing up on my history. I learned that this was a challenge I would have to face daily in my pfe.一旦我明白了原因所在,我开始回顾我的历史,然后我就发现,这是一个我将不得不在一生中每天都要面对的挑战。

8.I slowly sat down across from her. I took her left hand and held it in mine, brushing a spay lock of golden hair away from her face.我慢慢地在她对面坐下来,拿起她的左手,握在我的手心里,拂去她脸上一缕零散的金发。

9.When brushing your teeth, use a cup or glass rather than rinsing in running water. You could save up to 4, 000 ppes of water a year.刷牙时,请先盛满一杯水,不要一直扭开水头,这样做每年可节省多达4,000公升食水。

10.Cleaning face, brushing tooth and tiding articles seems to be pifle, but is the essential pving habit in daily pfe.洗脸、刷牙、整理物品虽是日常琐事,却是不可少的生活习惯。