


美式发音: [ˈhɪðər] 英式发音: [ˈhɪðə(r)]






1.到此处;向此地to this place

IDMhither and thitherhither and yon各处;四处in many different directions



adv.1.an old word meaningto this place

1.这里 ther 指去的地方 hither 这里 296. - birth 分娩 297. - ...

2.到这里 (at the latest) 最迟 hither1. 到(或向)这里;这里 reins1. 腰子;腰部 ...

3.向此处 ... n. 许多,大量,群众,大众 hither 【古】到此处;向此处 fundamentally 根本,从根本上 ...

4.到此处 hitch 拴住 hither 到此处 hitherto 至今 ...

5.这边的 hitch 搭便车,套住 hither 这边的,在这边的 hitherto 迄今,到目前为止 ...

6.向这里 tether 用绳拴 hither 向这里 thither 向那里 ...

7.向这边 ... 在这里, 这里, 此时{ here } 向这边, 向此处{ hither } 向上, 起来, 到{ up } ...


1.You did not know yourself when you dwelt alone , and there was no crying of an errand when the wind ran from the hither to the shore. .当你独处的时候,你并不了解自己,风从这里吹向遥远的海岸,满院一声急切的呼唤。

2.And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and spaightway he will send him hither.若有人对你们说,为什么作这事。你们就说,主要用他。那人必立时让你们牵来。

3.And Josue said to the children of Israel: Come hither and hear the word of the Lord your God.若苏厄又吩咐以色列子民说:「你们前来静听上主你们天主的话。」

4."How hast thou been able to find thy way hither? " he asked. "How couldst thou come quicker than I? "“你怎么找到这块地方的?”他说。“你怎么比我还来得早?”

5.Without her, they would have felt pke spaws in the wind, to be blown hither and thither at random .没有她,她们就会感到自己是风中稻草,被吹得不知去向。

6.A good evening to you, venerable Father Wilson! Come up hither, I pray you, and pass a pleasant hour with me!晚上好,可敬的威尔逊神父!我请求你到这里来,陪我过上一小时欢乐的时光吧!

7.Clown. She is stirring, sir: if she will stir hither, I shall seem to notify unto her.小丑她已经起身了,先生;要是她愿意出来,我就告诉她。

8.though i cannot teach courage, i must not learn cowardice! nor leave at last undone what i came hither only to do .尽管我不能教人勇敢,可我不会去学胆怯,到这里能去做的事,我不能最终什么也不做离开。

9.And Jesus answering said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you? Bring thy son hither.耶稣说,嗳,这又不信又悖谬的世代阿,我在你们这里,忍耐你们,要到几时呢?将你的儿子带到这里来吧。

10.It was hither that he had come every time that M. Gillenormand had said: "He is sleeping out. "这便是他在吉诺曼先生每次说他“外宿”的时候来到的地方。