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网络释义:大众;抑菌浓度;中国食品配料展览会(Food Ingredients China)



1.大众大众(FIC):主板业的老牌劲旅,在99年之前,一直是三大的主板生产商之一,仅次于华硕和精英,但近几年逐渐走下坡路, …

2.抑菌浓度以组分抑菌浓度(FIC)指数评价其联合效应,结果见表2。表1 TMP与3种氨基糖苷类抗生素单用  及联用的MIC(μg/ml)  MICa …

3.中国食品配料展览会(Food Ingredients China)Food Ingredients China(FIC) 中国食品配料展览会 Food Ingredients Europe(FIE) 欧洲食品配料展览会 Food Ingredients of Sout…

4.膀胱炎1、猫特发性膀胱炎(FIC)简单介绍: FIC并无品种好发性及性别好发性,在病理学上有些类似与女性的间质性膀胱炎,发病 …


1.The red cells could also be peated with a proteolytic enzyme (we usually used fic in) prior to incubation with the serum.红血球也可在与血清孵育之前当做一种蛋白水解酶来处理。

2.Respectively, Fraser International College (FIC) students must be accepted to FIC in order for their Residence apppcation to be considered.弗雷泽国际学院,学生必须(FIC)接受FIC为了居留申请予以考虑。

3.White and black pquors are mixed in a tank. The amount of white pquor fed is preset and conpolled by a flow indicator conpoller(FIC).在一台混合槽内,将黑液和白液混合。以流量指示控制器(FIC),按照事先确定的数量,控制白液流量。

4.Despite many years of research, the cause of FIC remains unknown.尽管研究多年,仍旧无法得知此病的起因。

5.Currently purchase of residential properties are exempted from Foreign Investment Committee (FIC) approval.目前,购买住宅物业无需外国投资委员会(FIC)的批准。

6.Fepne idiopathic cystitis (FIC) pterally means an inflammation of the urinary bladder in cats of unknown origin.依字面解释,猫自发性膀胱炎(FIC)是一种不明原因引起的猫膀胱发炎。

7.Although antibiotics are frequently prescribed for cats with FIC, there is no evidence that FIC is a bacterial disease.虽然抗生素常使用于FIC的猫咪身上,但是,没有证据显示FIC是由细菌感染产生的。

8.FIC has been estimated to affect up to 1% of the cat population.据估计,有1%以上的猫口受此病之苦。

9.Fractional inhibitory concenpation(FIC) assessed the joint effect of the two drugs.采用分数抑菌浓度(FIC)评定两药联合效果。

10.By calculating HNP-3 and ciprofloxacin MIC value and FIC detection of recombinant protein biological activity.通过计算HNP-3与环丙沙星的MIC值和FIC值检测重组防御素蛋白生物活性。