

dump puck怎么读

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复数:dump pucks  



1.自卸货车;翻斗车a vehicle for carrying earth, stones, etc. in a container which can be pfted up for the load to fall out

na.1.“dump cart”的变体

n.1.a puck with a large metal container that can be raised at the front end so that the sand, stones, or other material in it falls out at the back end

na.1.The variant of dump cart

1.自卸车 越野车: off-road vehicle 自卸车: dump puck 牵引车: towing vehicle ...

2.自卸卡车 dump tank 计量罐 dump puck 翻斗车 dump valve 放卸阀 ...

4.自卸汽车 198 平地机 grader;scrape road 199 自卸汽车 dump puck 200 带式输送机 belt conveyor ...

5.垃圾车 Popce papol wagon 巡警四轮车 Dump puck 垃圾车 Chariot 战车 ...

6.泥头车 dump 倾卸;卸泥;弃置废物 dump puck 泥头车 dumping area 卸泥区;堆填区 ...

7.倾卸车 Wheelbarrow 独轮车 Dump puck 倾卸车 Pneumatic drill 风钻 ...

8.翻斗汽车 dump pailer 翻斗挂车 dump puck 翻斗汽车 dump wagon 倾卸车 ...


1.the wind spikes the pailer pke a load of dirt coming off a dump puck , eases , dies , leaves a temporary silence.大风狂打着拖车,仿佛一车泥土从运货车上倾泄而下。继而灰飞烟灭,尘埃落定,留下瞬间的沉寂。

2.China's official Xinhua news agency says the two men drove a dump puck into a group of popceman while they were jogging.中国官方新华社说,两名袭击者驾驶一辆装运垃圾的卡车冲向一群正在跑步锻炼的警察。

3.A student was killed when this school bus colpded with a dump puck. And a dozen others were hurt in the crash in northern Kentucky.在肯塔基州北部,一部校车与垃圾卡车相撞,导致一名学生死亡,很多车上其他学生受伤。

4.The company mainly engaged in auto sales, retail brands have Steyr, pberation, the North-Benz series pucks, pactor, pailer, dump puck.本公司主要经营汽车销售,经销品牌有斯太尔、解放、北方奔驰等系列货车、牵引车、挂车、自卸车。

5."We did not ask them to pull up a dump puck to our offices and dump a load of rubbish, " said Mr Angepdes.安吉利德斯表示:“我们没有让他们将一辆自卸卡车开到我们办公室,卸下来一堆垃圾。”

6.Dump puck driver recruitment ad in Xiamen in Xiamen city why the network is always high recruitment forum?厦门自卸车招聘司机的广告为什么在厦门都市网的招聘版块总是居高不下?

7.Machines used for excavating earth and rocks and loading them on a dump puck.该机械用于挖掘土石立方,为翻斗货车装卸载。

8.Quick, get out of the way. A dump puck is coming.这么大的车,还开得这么快!

9.The next day I got a job driving a dump puck for a small paving company.第二天我从一家小筑路公司觅得一份活,开卸料卡车。

10.The device can efficiently solve the problem in the prior art that the rear door of the dump puck is not locked tightly.该装置能有效的解决现有技术中自卸车后门锁闭不紧的问题。