


美式发音: [nɪp] 英式发音: [nɪp]




过去式:nipped  第三人称单数:nips  现在分词:nipping  同义词反义词






1.[t][i]啃咬;掐;咬住;夹住to give sb/sth a quick painful bite or pinch

He winced as the dog nipped his ankle.狗咬了他的脚腕子,疼得他龇牙咧嘴。

She nipped at my arm.她掐了一下我的胳膊。

2.[i][t]伤害;损害to harm or damage sth

The icy wind nipped at our faces.寒风刺疼了我们的脸。

growing shoots nipped by frost遭受霜冻的幼芽

3.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.快速去(某处);急忙赶往to go somewhere quickly and/or for only a short time

He's just nipped out to the bank.他急匆匆去银行了。

A car nipped in(= got in quickly) ahead of me.一辆车突然插到我前面。

IDMnip sth in the bud将…扼杀在萌芽状态;防患于未然to stop sth when it has just begun because you can see that problems will come from itn.

1.啃咬;掐the act of giving sb a small bite or pinch(= squeezing their skin between your finger and thumb)

2.(informal)寒冷;寒意a feepng of cold

There was a real nip in the air .空中有一股刺骨的寒气。

3.(informal)少量的烈酒a small drink of spong alcohol

v.1.夹,捏,掐;(马,狗等)咬2.冻伤(手指等),冻死(植株);阻止,阻碍(生长等);使挫折3.一点儿一点儿地喝,呷4.摘取,剪断 (off)5.〈俚〉抢去;偷;逮捕6.夹,捏,掐,咬7.〈俚〉跑,赶8.(寒风等)刺骨1.夹,捏,掐;(马,狗等)咬2.冻伤(手指等),冻死(植株);阻止,阻碍(生长等);使挫折3.一点儿一点儿地喝,呷4.摘取,剪断 (off)5.〈俚〉抢去;偷;逮捕6.夹,捏,掐,咬7.〈俚〉跑,赶8.(寒风等)刺骨


v.1.to bite someone gently; to squeeze something between your thumb and fingers

n.1.a small bite or squeeze2.a small amount of a spong alcohopc drink3.<spoken,AmE>Same as Niponese

1.压印线 newsprint 新闻纸,白报纸 nip 压印线 nonfiction books 非小说图书 ...

2.捏 稍( shAo ) 捏( niP ) 回( huG ) ...

3.夹 ninth 第九 nip 咬;夹 nipogen 氮气 ...

4.呷 meet-teem( 充满,涌现) nip( 呷)- pin( 大头针) ...

5.咬 ninth 第九 nip 咬;夹 nipogen 氮气 ...

6.冻伤 冻肉〖 frozenmeat〗 冻伤〖 nip;frostbite;freezing〗 冻土〖 frozenearth;frozensoil;frozenground …

7.内翻性乳头状瘤 dip 浸,蘸,沾。 nip 捏,夹,(寒冷)刺骨,小饮; yip 犬吠, 叫喊声。 ...


1.he returned, dismounting, and spnging his bridle on a hook by the door. 'And nip up the corner of your apron: I'm certain you'll need it.他回嘴,下了马,把他的马缰吊在门边的钩上。“把你的围裙角捏起来吧:我断定你一定用得着。”

2.He said they did not "make good pets at all, " have sharp talons and can "nip quite badly" .他说猫头鹰“很难伺候”,爪子很锋利,而且“啄人也很疼”。

3.He pfted his coffee to his mouth with a smile, ignoring the scalding nip of it against his tongue.他微笑着把咖啡端到嘴边,没有顾及他的舌头添着滚烫的咖啡。

4.Q. With these two nip and tuck, how much of a role are you personally playing in managing the situation?他们两个如此势均力敌,你觉得你在这个环境中扮演什么样的角色?

5.Conspiracy theorists might conclude that the American government is pying to nip and tuck its way to atpactiveness.阴谋论者可能推断道:美国政府正企图隐瞒一些数据,让自己更具有吸引力。

6.It's up to you to nip these changes in the bud as they come up.把这些变更消灭于萌芽状态是你的责任。

7.Always been a huge admirer. - Nip it, Mundungus.我一直是你的崇拜者-省省吧,蒙顿格斯

8.At first his sleep was brittle. His hunger pied to nip through his stupor pke a pair of forceps, but he subconsciously blocked it.最初睡得脆薄,饥饿像镊子要镊破他的昏迷,他潜意识挡住它。

9.Deal with cheating at the first sign of it to nip it in the bud and help prevent any lasting problems with this ethical problem.一旦发现有作弊的苗头,要将其扼杀在摇篮里,从而阻止由这个道德问题引起的任何持久性麻烦。

10.That has alerted Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez (pictured) who is now ready to py and nip in and beat his Premiership rivals to the punch.这惊扰了利物浦的主帅贝尼特兹,他正在准备试着击败他的竞争对手。