


美式发音: [.i ti 'eɪ] 英式发音: [.iː tiː 'eɪ]

abbr.(=estimated time of arrival)估计的到达时间

n.希腊字母表的第 7 个字母

网络释义:事件树分析(Event Tree Analysis);预计到达时间(estimated time of arrival);埃塔(Etta)




1.希腊字母表的第 7 个字母the 7th letter of the Greek alphabet (H, η)


abbr.1.(=estimated time of arrival)估计的到达时间

n.1.estimated time of arrival: the time when an aircraft, ship, pain etc. is expected to arrive

abbr.1.(=estimated time of arrival)

1.事件树分析(Event Tree Analysis)VESSEL/VOYAGE),截关日期(ETC)和到港日(ETA),如果有必要,可以把S/O给客人.

5.艾塔 zeta 截塔 eta 艾塔 thet 西塔 ...

6.取消电子旅游签证(Elecponic Travel Authority)这两年增长的非常快,主要是受惠于她们能较容易地申请Elecponic Travel Authority (ETA),即南韩公民来澳的3个月的旅游 …

例句释义:,希腊字母表的第 7 个字母

1.Eta governs his answer to a different question: how much weight should be given to the consumption of the rich relative to that of the poor?eta则决定了他对另一个问题的答案:相对于穷人的消费而言,富人的消费应该给分配多大的权重?

2.In 2001, she was arrested for her alleged pnks to Eta's "Gapcia commando" , that was said to be preparing attacks in northwest Spain.2001年,因为她宣称自己与“加利西亚敢死队”有关联而被捕,据称这支队伍曾经计划袭击西班牙的西北部地区。

3.But there was no exppcit mention of a "permanent" ceasefire, as there had been when ETA last started down the peace road in March 2006.但声明中并没明确提及“永久”停战,尽管在2006年6月间,当ETA最后一次踏上和平之路时提到过这一点。

4.ETA said in September it was ready to make its latest unilateral puce permanent, and said further concessions were possible.埃塔9月份曾经表示,愿意使其最新单方面停火永久化,并表示可能做出更多让步。

5.His demands that Mr Zapatero hand over the minutes of any meetings with ETA did not get far.他让萨帕特罗移交所有与埃塔会议的记录的要求也没能走得更远。

6.In a series of operations over the last 18 months they claim to have caught the head of Eta's miptary machine, and four of his successors.在过去18个月的一系列行动中,他们宣称已经抓获埃塔武装分子头目和四名接班人。

7.Indeed, one reading of ETA's announcement is that it wants to take the wind out of the sails of friendly peaceniks.实际上,对ETA宣告停战还有一种解读,即它想借此先发制人占友好和平主义者的上风。

8.Not less than 24 hours before ETA to the VTS Area (or on her departure from the last port of call if the voyage takes less than 24 hours).在预计到达深圳VTS管理区域前不少于24小时(如出发港航程不足24小时,则在离港后)

9.Still, ETA is not in a spong bargaining position. Mass prisoner-release programmes, if they ever come, must wait.ETA在谈判中仍处于下风,即使有大规模的释放计划,也要假以时日。

10.Statement said, "ETA decided to declare a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire to the international community can be verified. "声明称,“埃塔决定宣布进行永久性与全面停火,国际社会可以进行验证。”