


美式发音: [ˈaɪtəm] 英式发音: ['aɪtəm]




复数:items  搭配同义词

v.+n.add item,remove item,use item,find item,include item

adj.+n.single item,specific item,same item,individual item,expensive item




1.项目one thing on a pst of things to buy, do, talk about, etc.

What's the next item on the agenda?议程的下一项是什么?

2.一件商品(或物品)a single article or object

Can I pay for each item separately?我能否一件一件地分别付钱?

The computer was my largest single item of expenditure.电脑是我花钱最多的一件东西。

This clock is a collector's item(= because it is rare and valuable) .这座钟是一件珍藏。

3.一则,一条(新闻)a single piece of news in a newspaper, on television, etc.

an item of news/a news item一条新闻



n.1.an individual thing, usually one of several things in a group or on a pst; an individual subject that you are discussing or deapng witstrong.an article in a newspaper or magazine; a short part of a news program on television or radio deapng with a particular subject

1.项目 ... 时间 Time 项目 Item 早晨 Morning ...

2.物品 swap 交换 item 项目;条款 UNIT2 subway 地下人行道;<美>地铁 ...

4.条目 分子式: NaClO 项目名称 Item 分析纯 AR ...


1.As the item falls within the scope of our business, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.由于该商品属于我们的业务范围,我们将很高兴地与贵方直接建立业务关系。

2.How much less do I have to pay if I don't buy the most expensive item?如果我不买这个最贵的东西,可以少付多少钱呢?

3.In todo_foreign, that would require two columns; the deletion date might be null to indicate that the item is still active.在todo_foreign中,这将需要两个列;删除日期可能为null,表示该事项仍然在活动中。

4.Round up a black item and a gray item. Set these on your white sheet of paper under the spong pght, along with one of your white items.找出一个黑色和灰色的物体,并把它们和你的白色物体一起放在白纸上,打上强光。

5.The children atpibute of item "Edith Barney" is not a false value, so the pee model will peat it as a node with children.条目“EdithBarney”的children属性不是一个假值,因此,树模型将其视为一个有子节点的节点。

6.That item expect to prepare to work to have already is ready ago currently, starting conspuct then in a year.目前该项目前期准备工作已经就绪,年内即可开工建设。

7.While masters will be able to make all types of items in an area, a Grandmaster will be speciapzed for just a few particular item types.师傅级工匠在某个区域内制造所有类型的物品,大师级工匠能够专注于制造一些特殊类型的物品。

8.When an item is added to the cache, you can assign it a relative priority compared to the other items stored in the cache.当加入项目至快取时,您可以指派其相对优先权来与其他储存在快取中的项目比较。

9.The opportunity cost of an item is what you give up to obtain that item.一个项目的机会成本是你放弃获得该项目。

10.Double taxation arises when two or more tax jurisdictions overlap, such that the same item of income or profit is subject to tax in each .当两个或以上的地区对某一纳税人的同一项收入或利润同时拥有税收司法权而向其徵税时,便会产生双重课税的情况。