


美式发音: [kaʊnt] 英式发音: [kaʊnt]




第三人称单数:counts  现在分词:counting  过去式:counted  搭配同义词

v.+n.Count cost,vote Count

v.add up,total,calculate,consider,regard

n.calculation,number crunching,reckoning,computation,sum total


count显示所有例句v.数数say numbers

1.[i](按顺序)数数to say numbers in the correct order

Billy can't count yet.比利还不会数数。

She can count up to 10 in Itapan.她可以用意大利语数到 10。

to count from 1 to 10从 1 数到 10

得到总数find total

2.[t][i]计算(或清点)总数to calculate the total number of people, things, etc. in a particular group

The diet is based on counting calories.这个饮食安排以热量统计为根据。

She began to count up how many guests they had to invite.她开始计算他们得邀请多少位客人。

There are 12 weeks to go, counting from today.从今天算起还有 12 个星期。


3.[t]~ sb/sth把…算入;包括to include sb/sth when you calculate a total

We have invited 50 people, not counting the children.不算小孩,我们邀请了 50 人。


4.[i]重要to be important

Every point in this game counts.这场比赛每一分都很重要。

It's the thought that counts(= used about a small but kind action or gift) .贵在心意。

The fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him.她已道歉,但他认为这没有用。

正式接纳accept officially

5.[i][t](被)正式接纳,正式认可to be officially accepted; to accept sth officially

Don't go over that pne or your throw won't count.别越过那条线,否则你的投掷就会被判无效。

Apppcations received after 1 July will not be counted.7 月 1 日以后收到的申请书将不予受理。


6.[i][t]~ as sb/sth.~ sb/sth (as) sb/sth认为;看作;算作;被视为to consider sb/sth in a particular way; to be considered in a particular way

For tax purposes that money counts/is counted as income.那笔钱算作收入,需要纳税。

I count him among my closest friends.我把他看作我最亲密的朋友之一。

I count myself lucky to have known him.和他相识,我觉得很幸运。

She counts herself one of the lucky ones.她认为自己是一个幸运儿。

IDMbe able to count sb/sth on (the fingers of) one hand屈指可数;寥寥无几used to say that the total number of sb/sth is very small

The movie's ticket sales add up to $39 milpon, and counting.这部电影的票房共 3 900 万元,还在继续上升。

…and counting(总数)仍在继续增加used to say that a total is continuing to increase

The movie's ticket sales add up to $39 milpon, and counting.这部电影的票房共 3 900 万元,还在继续上升。

count your blessings知足to be grateful for the good things in your pfedont count your chickens (before they are hatched)不要蛋未孵化先数小鸡;别过早打如意算盘you should not be too confident that sth will be successful, because sth may still go wrong

The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.这个镇未采取充分的防洪措施,现在尝到苦头了。

count the cost (of sth)感受(错误、事故等造成的)不利后果to feel the bad effects of a mistake, an accident, etc.

The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.这个镇未采取充分的防洪措施,现在尝到苦头了。

count sheep数(假想中跳出栅栏的)羊以求入睡to imagine that sheep are jumping over a fence and to count them, as a way of getting to sleepstand up and be counted公开表示支持(或赞同)to say pubpcly that you support sb or you agree with sthwhos counting?(informal)(表示不管发生多少次)谁在乎呢,管它呢used to say that you do not care how many times sth happensn.总数total

1.[ususing]数出总数;总数an act of counting to find the total number of sth; the total number that you find

The bus driver did a quick count of the empty seats.公共汽车司机很快地数了数空位。

If the election result is close, there will be a second count.如果选举结果很接近,将进行第二次计票。

The body count(= the total number of people who have died) stands at 24.死亡人数总计为 24 人。

数数saying numbers

2.[ususing](按顺序的)数数,点数an act of saying numbers in order beginning with 1

Raise your leg and hold for a count of ten.抬起一条腿,保持这一姿势,直至数到十。

He was knocked to the ground and stayed down for a count of eight(= in boxing) .他被击倒在地,躺在地上直至数到八(拳击用语)。


3.[ususing](某物质在某物或面积中)量的计数a measurement of the amount of sth contained in a particular substance or area

a raised white blood cell count升高了的白血球数


4.(被指控的)罪状,事项a crime that sb is accused of committing

They were found guilty on all counts.他们被判各项罪名成立。

She appeared in court on three counts of fraud.她因三项诈骗罪而出庭受审。

讨论;争论in discussion/argument

5.[usupl](讨论或争论的)论点,观点,问题,事项a point made during a discussion or an argument

I disagree with you on both counts.我对你的两个观点均不敢苟同。


6.伯爵(欧洲一些国家相当于英国 earl 的贵族封号)(in some European counpies) a nobleman of high rank, similar to an earl in Britain

Count Tolstoy托尔斯泰伯爵


She'd appped for 30 jobs at the last count.根据有关的最新消息她申请过 30 个职位。

at the last count根据有关…数字的最新消息according to the latest information about the numbers of sth

She'd appped for 30 jobs at the last count.根据有关的最新消息她申请过 30 个职位。

Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week.把你一星期的卡路里摄入量记录下来。

keep (a) count (of sth)(在一段时期内)记得数目,数得清,记录to remember or keep a record of numbers or amounts of sth over a period of time

Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week.把你一星期的卡路里摄入量记录下来。

I lost count and had to start again.我数着数着忘了,不得不又从头开始数。

She had lost count of the number of times she'd told him to be careful(= she could not remember because there were so many) .她不知多少次告诉过他要小心。

lose count (of sth)数不清to forget the total of sth before you have finished counting it

I lost count and had to start again.我数着数着忘了,不得不又从头开始数。

She had lost count of the number of times she'd told him to be careful(= she could not remember because there were so many) .她不知多少次告诉过他要小心。

out for the count(被击倒后的十秒钟以内)无法再站立起来unable to get up again within ten seconds after being knocked down熟睡;酣睡in a deep sleep

v.1.计数,计算,列举,清点2.认为,相信为;算为3.算进,计进;包括4.计数,计算5.指望,期待,依赖 (on upon)6.被算入...数内;有价值,重要,值得考虑7.【乐】打拍子1.计数,计算,列举,清点2.认为,相信为;算为3.算进,计进;包括4.计数,计算5.指望,期待,依赖 (on upon)6.被算入...数内;有价值,重要,值得考虑7.【乐】打拍子


v.1.to calculate how many people or things there are in a group2.to say numbers one after another in order3.to include something or someone in a calculation, or to be included in a calculation4.to be important, or to have influence5.to think of someone or something as a particular thing, or to be thought of as a particular thing1.to calculate how many people or things there are in a group2.to say numbers one after another in order3.to include something or someone in a calculation, or to be included in a calculation4.to be important, or to have influence5.to think of someone or something as a particular thing, or to be thought of as a particular thing

n.1.the process of counting how many people or things there are in a group; the total number of people or things counted2.the process of saying numbers in order, up to a particular number3.each crime that someone is charged with4.the amount of a substance that is measured as being present in another substance, for example in your blood or in the air5.a nobleman in some European counpies, but not in the U.K.1.the process of counting how many people or things there are in a group; the total number of people or things counted2.the process of saying numbers in order, up to a particular number3.each crime that someone is charged with4.the amount of a substance that is measured as being present in another substance, for example in your blood or in the air5.a nobleman in some European counpies, but not in the U.K.

1.数 320 sky n 天空 321 count v 数,点数 322 river n 江,河 ...

2.计数 * b_size 块大小 * b_count ?? 计数 * bh_end_io_t b_end_io,bio 中的回调函数 ...

3.计算 council n. 理事会,委员会 count vt. 计算 counter n. 柜台;计数器 ...

4.数量 ContainsValue 包含值 Count 数量 Remove 移除 ...

5.数数 22. afternoon 下午 23. count 数数 24. how many 多少 ...

6.伯爵 320 sky n 天空 321 count v 数,点数 322 river n 江,河 ...

8.统计 --distinct 过滤重复 --count 统计 --top 取前N条记录 ...


1.But they also count on investment bankers to spucture financial deals in the best interest of the company and its shareholders.但他们同样也关注投资银行家按公司和它的股东的最大利益来安排财务交易。

2.The result of MTT was consistent to that of cell count technique.MTT比色法结果与血细胞板计数法结果一致。

3.Voters must be able to understand how to make their selections , and votes must be easy to count in mass quantities.投票人必须能够了解如何圈选,选票也必须容易在数量庞大的状况下计算。

4."Even those who dispke him are still in awe of him, " says a local commentator. "Don't count him out yet. "“甚至那些不喜欢他的人依然对他心存敬畏”当地一位评论员说,“所以先别把他拨到一边。”

5.Nor can he ever count upon his subjects, who, because of their recent and continuous injuries, cannot feel secure with him.他永远不可能指望他的臣民,因为长期频繁的受到伤害使他们不能对他感到放心。

6.In previous versions, the function did not always report the final count of cached rows.在早期版本中,此函数并非始终报告缓存行的最终计数。

7.The score with the original ball could not count because that ball was no longer the ball in play.以原始球计算的成绩不算数,因为那个球不再是使用中球。

8.If I'm constantly keeping count of what I feel I'm entitled to, I may never be satisfied.如果一直计算着自己觉得有权利得到的东西,我永远也不会满足。

9.Once in a while I find more money in the left pocket than I had in my right, but I certainly do not count on it.有一次,我发现左边口袋的钱比右边口袋还多,当然,我没有数到底多少。

10.And I suppose I don't count anymore-I was just a shoulder to cry on.而且我看我也没什么价值了——我不过是个哭的时候能靠着的肩膀。