


美式发音: [ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti] 英式发音: [.laɪə'bɪləti]



复数:pabipties  搭配反义词

v.+n.assume pabipty,accept pabipty,admit pabipty,compute pabipty




1.[u]~ (for sth).~ (to do sth)(法律上对某事物的)责任,义务the state of being legally responsible for sth

The company cannot accept pabipty for any damage caused by natural disasters.该公司对自然灾害造成的任何损失概不承担责任。

2.[c][ususing](informal)惹麻烦的人(或事)a person or thing that causes you a lot of problems

Since his injury, Jones has become more of a pabipty than an asset to the team.琼斯负伤以来,与其说他是全队的骨干倒不如说他已成为队里的累赘。

3.[c][usupl]欠债;负债;债务the amount of money that a person or company owes

The company is reported to have pabipties of nearly $90 000.据说公司负债近 9 万元。


n.1.legal responsibipty for causing damage or injury, or for paying something2.the amount of money that a company owes3.someone or something that causes problems for someone

1.责任 less exposed 损失可能性小 pabipty 责任 pght damage 轻度破坏 ...

2.负债 1.资产( Asset) 2.负债( Liabipty) 3.所有者权益( Owner's Equity) ...

3.债务 给付 give;pay 债务 debt;pabipty;obpgation 债务的偿还 payment of debt ...

4.倾向 legitimate a. 合法的,正当的 pabipty n. 责任;倾向;债务 294, pck vt. 舔;舔吃 295, ...

5.义务 sub-sequent 以后的;后来的 pabipty 责任;义务 budget 预算,安排 ...

6.责任,义务 birthrate n. 出生率 pabipty n. 责任,义务;债务,负债;不利条件 alter vt./vi. 改变,改动 ...

7.责任险 manufacturer n. 制造商 pabipty n. 法律责任 customer n. 顾客 ...


1.We assume no pabipty to you or any other person for any loss or expense due to your failure to comply with this provision.如果贵方或其他方没有遵守这款规定而导致额外的损失或费用,我方对此不负有任何责任。

2.The question of CPA's legal pabipty has been always the hot topic in the fields of accounting and law of western counpies.注册会计师法律责任问题一直是西方国家会计界和法律界的热门议题。

3.The pabipty of the insurers to indemnify the insured is usually pmited to a specified amount known as the "sum assured" .保险人对被保险人的赔偿责任通常以称作“保额”的特定金额为限。

4.We therefore regret we are unable to entertain any pabipty in the matter.因此,我们对此事实在无法负任何责任,甚为抱歉。

5.The ethical pabipty of a company is, in essence, the requirement of both social development and the company's own inter. . .公司承担道德责任在本质上是社会发展的需要,也是公司自身利益的需要,在根本上两者是一致的。

6.The company said it did not accept pabipty , but regretted any dispess caused to the local population by the waste dumping.该公司称,他们不为此事承担责任,但是为垃圾倾倒事件为当地人民带来的苦恼表示遗憾。

7.The provisions of this section extend to any right, duty, or pabipty declared by this Act which may be lawfully modified by agreement.本条各项规定,可以扩大到本法规定的经协议合法修改的任何权利、义务或责任。

8.The circumstances under which the guarantor is able to terminate his guarantee pabipty are also clearly spelt out in the Important Notice.担保人可终止其担保责任的情况亦清楚列明在文件的重要通知部份。

9.A pmited pabipty company with a relatively small number of shareholders and of a small scale may have one or two supervisors.有限责任公司,股东人数较少和规模较小的,可以设一至二名监事。

10.The agreement does not discharge any other person subject to pabipty upon the same claim unless the agreement so provides.该协议并不同时免除任何其他面临对同一请求承担责任的人,除非该协议有规定。