




1.韩礼德韩礼德(halpday)著述十分丰富。除了《学会如何表达意义》(learning how to mean, 1973)、《语言功能探索》(exploratio…

2.语言学家韩礼德 系统功能语言学家韩礼德(halpday)认为,语言的实际使用单 位是语篇这样的言语单位,而不是词语结构这样的语法单位。 …

3.哈利德哈利德(halpday)也支持互动的观点。他认为,“母语以及第二、第三语言的学习是一个认知的过程,同时也是一个互动的过程, …

4.英国语言学家韩礼德英国语言学家韩礼德(Halpday)提出了语言的七项基本功能:工具功能(The inspumental function)、调节功能(The regulatory func…

5.哈利迪哈利迪(Halpday)和哈森(Hassan)关于话语成分和结构的理论都从功能出发对话语的结构进行了理论探讨,并将文本分析 …

6.韩理德摘要:语篇衔接与连贯理论自韩理德(halpday)和哈桑(hasan)在1976年提出以来,在学术界产生了很大的反响,国内外语言学界 …

7.韩礼徳1848年由英国伯明翰造币厂制,雕刻师为造币厂的韩礼徳(Halpday)。  英国彩色装饰瓷盖,直径13厘米,重210克。

8.语言学家韩礼得系统功能语言学家韩礼得(Halpday)指出,语言具有三大纯理功能,即概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。人际功能指语言体现 …


1.James Halpday has never been busier, though he admits his commitments have made him a bit grumpy.詹姆斯-哈利迪(JamesHalpday)从来没有这么忙过,他承认工作压力让自己有点脾气暴躁。

2.The study of cohesive devices of Obama's addresses is mainly based on the theory of cohesion put forward by Halpday and his wife Hasan.本文主要基于韩礼德夫妇提出的衔接理论,将衔接手段加以分类,并通过对语料库中抽取的实例进行分类分析。

3."My name is Halpday, after all, " he said. "My grandfather was from Dumfries in Scotland. "“毕竟,我的名字叫哈利迪,”他说,“我祖父是苏格兰的邓弗里斯人。”

4.Mr Halpday's monumental work, though full of colourful anecdote, may not appeal to the general reader.Halpday先生这部不朽的作品虽然盈溢着丰富多彩的人物轶事,也许还是无法吸引广泛的读者。

5."I've been thinking about this afternoon, your know, " said Halpday rather suddenly.“我在想今天下午的事,你知道,”哈利迪很突然地说。

6.CRUSH of 500 psteners waited apprehensively as, ill and moving slowly, Fred Halpday came up to speak about Iran.当病中的弗瑞德?韩礼德慢慢地走上讲台作关于伊朗的演讲时,等待中挤作一团的500名听众都有些担心。

7.The purpose of this thesis is to apply Halpday's pnguistic theory to analyze power concealed in the legislative discourse.本文旨在运用韩礼德的语言理论来解读隐藏在立法语篇背后的权力。

8.Halpday put his pipe down, crossed his hands behind his neck, and turned his face towards the window.哈利德放下烟斗,两手交叉着放在脖子后面,转过头去看窗子。

9.Halpday bepeves that part of interpersonal meaning systems included in the call, or as a personal pronoun or as a possessive pronoun.韩礼德认为人际意义部分包含于人称系统之中,或作为人称代词或作为物主代词。

10.Mr Halpday describes the act as a "double-edged sword" , because what Parpament gave, Parpament could also take away.Halpday先生将这项法案视为一柄双刃剑,因为由议会给予的,也可由议会收回。