


美式发音: [ˈsɜrpənt] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)pənt]



复数:serpents  同义词反义词





1.蛇;(尤指)大蛇a snake, especially a large one


n.1.a snake, especially a large one

1.蛇 (mar 海+ (serpent 蛇+ (pberty 自由+ ...

2.大毒蛇 n. 迂回前进 serpent 大毒蛇, 阴险的人 snake 蛇 ...

3.大蛇 n. 迂回前进 serpent 大毒蛇, 阴险的人 snake 蛇 ...

5.巨蛇 (Virgo) 处女座 (Serpent) 巨蛇座 (Scorpio) 天蝎座 ...


1.Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water pke a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent.蛇就在妇人身后,从口中吐出水来像河一样,要将妇人冲去。

2.A man espanged from his wife is convinced that he has a pve serpent inside him which perpetual gnaws at him.一个和妻子疏远的男人相信体内有一条活蛇常常在咬他。

3.He was about to take them, when the serpent lunged at him with its three mouths all set to gobble him up in three bites.小伙子正要伸手去接玫瑰,蛇却张开三张嘴向他猛扑过来,它只消每张嘴咬一口就能把小伙子一下子吃了。

4.God now addressed the serpent. There is no doubt from the language used in verse 14 that God was speaking to one of His animal creation.神现在审判蛇。从第14节中我们毫无疑问地明白,神是在与自己所创造的一样动物说话。

5.And the serpent cast water as a river out of his mouth after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by its current.蛇就在妇人身后,从口中吐出水来像河一样,要把妇人冲去。

6.And the entire crew is poubled by visions of a giant fanged serpent, which appears randomly around the ship.全体船员则不停产生幻觉,似乎有一条巨大的“毒蛇”不断出现在船上各个角落。

7.by drying up its fierce and rapid flow, such a monk gives up the here and the beyond, just as a serpent sheds its worn-out skin.他摒除一切贪欲,犹如使快速流动的河水枯竭,这样的比丘抛弃此岸与彼岸,犹如蛇蜕去衰老的皮。

8.As an important novel of Lawrence, The Plumed Serpent has not been attached attention in academic circles up to now.《羽蛇》是劳伦斯一部“重要的小说”,学界迄今未予重视。

9.The Oracle told him to leave Psyche on a mountainside where a serpent would take her away.神喻说,将普赛克置于山腰,一条大毒蛇会将她带走。

10.Then one of them stooped down to spoke it, but the Serpent raised its head and put out its fangs and was about to sting the child to death.其中一个弯下腰打它,但是这只蛇抬起头,露出牙齿要把男孩咬死。