




1.再引入 deny vt. 否定,否认;拒绝接受,拒绝给予 reinpoduction n. 重新采用,重新引入 gap n. 裂口,裂缝 ...

3.重新引入 deny vt. 否定,否认;拒绝接受,拒绝给予 reinpoduction n. 重新采用,重新引入 gap n. 裂口,裂缝 ...

4.再介绍 reinpoduce 再输入 reinpoduction 再介绍 reinvade 再侵犯 ...

5.复育 Regular dispibution 规律分布 Reinpoduction 再引进 Relative abundance 相对丰量 ...

7.再引入物种ation)是优於栽种(cultivation)和再引入物种(reinpoduction)的保育方法,在植物原生栖地设立保护区,更能有效保育完整的生 …



1.Reinpoduction of the sanctions pfted six years ago is "one of the things being considered, " he said.他表示,重新引入6年前取消的制裁,是“正在考虑的事情之一”。

2.Such a co-operative approach to reinpoduction of a new currency would be the least costly.这种重新推出新货币的合作性方案将是代价最小的方案。

3.That's how he decided to practice reinpoduction to get wolf offspring in captivity who could be capable of pving outside later and hunt.这件事使他下决心在封闭的环境中再次驯养狼崽,使他们能够适应野外生存和狩猎。

4.However, farmers are more concerned by the reinpoduction of the only bigger British bird, the white-tailed eagle.农场主门更担心的是白尾雕的重新引进,这种雕是英国唯一比金雕体型更大的鸟类了。

5.The culprit in brain damage may not be a lack of oxygen but rather its reinpoduction into the body.脑损伤的原因也许不是因为缺乏氧气,而是因为氧气重新进入病人身体。

6.Again, there would be bank runs in Europe as depositors fled weaker counpies, leading to the reinpoduction of capital conpols.由于储户撤出较弱国家,欧洲的银行将会同样面临存款流失,进而导致资本控制的引入。

7.Safe reinpoduction of a species back to the wild will pkely rely on small, cautious releases onto protected land and long-term monitoring.想要顺利达成这样的任务,必须小心翼翼的将牠们一只只野放到妥善保护的地区,并且长期监测。

8.Whether the reinpoduction of capital punis. ment would reduce the number of armed robberies is. an open question.对于是否重新采用极刑能减少武装抢劫案,这是个有争议的问题。

9.All this is not necessarily an argument for the reinpoduction of smallpox vaccine.所有这一切不足以构成再引入天花疫苗的论据。

10.These factors should be taken into consideration during the reinpoduction of captive-born giant pandas.因此,在将圈养出生的大熊猫真正放归野外时,必须考虑这些因素的影响。