


美式发音: [θroʊ] 英式发音: [θrəʊ]




过去式:threw  过去分词:thrown  第三人称单数:throws  现在分词:throwing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.throw ball,throw party,throw hat,throw towel,throw shadow





throw显示所有例句v.用手with hand

1.[t][i]投;掷;抛;扔to send sth from your hand through the air by moving your hand or arm quickly

Stop throwing stones at the window!别朝窗户扔石头了!

She threw the ball up and caught it again.她把球抛起来又接住。

They had a competition to see who could throw the furthest.他们举行了一场比赛,看谁投得最远。

Don't throw it to him, give it to him!别扔给他,递给他!

Can you throw me that towel?请把那条毛巾扔给我好吗?

漫不经心地放置put carelessly

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.摔;丢;扔to put sth in a particular place quickly and carelessly

Just throw your bag down over there.把你的袋子就扔到那边吧。

用力移动move with force

3.[t]猛推;使劲撞to move sth suddenly and with force

The boat was thrown onto the rocks.那条船触礁了。

The sea throws up all sorts of debris on the beach.大海把各种残骸碎片都冲上海滩。

I threw open the windows to let the smoke out.我猛力推开窗子,让烟散出去。

身体部位part of body

4.[t]~ sth/yourself + adv./prep.猛动(头、臂、腿);挺起(胸);仰起(头);挥动(拳头、手臂)to move your body or part of it quickly or suddenly

He threw back his head and roared with laughter.他猛地仰起头哈哈大笑起来。

I ran up and threw my arms around him.我跑上前去,张开双臂搂住他。

Jenny threw herself onto the bed.珍妮一头倒在床上。

使人摔倒make sb fall

5.[t]~ sb使迅猛地摔倒在地to make sb fall quickly or violently to the ground

Two riders were thrown(= off their horses) in the second race.有两名骑手在第二场赛马中从马上摔了下来。

处于某种状态into particular state

6.[t][usupass]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.使处于,使陷入(某种状态)to make sb/sth be in a particular state

Hundreds were thrown out of work.数以百计的人遭到解雇。

We were thrown into confusion by the news.我们被那消息弄得惊慌失措。

The problem was suddenly thrown into sharp focus.这个问题突然引起人们的密切关注了。

指向某人╱事物direct sth at sb/sth

7.[t]~ sth on/at sb/sth把…对准;向…作出;对…施加to direct sth at sb/sth

to throw doubt on the verdict对判决产生怀疑

to throw the blame on someone委过于人

to throw accusations at someone对某人大加指责

He threw the question back at me(= expected me to answer it myself) .他反过来问我这个问题。


8.[t](informal)~ sb使心烦意乱;使困惑;使惊奇to make sb feel upset, confused, or surprised

The news of her death really threw me.她的噩耗确实令我震惊。


9.[t]~ sth掷(色子);掷出(色子的点数)to roll a dice or let it fall after shaking it; to obtain a particular number in this way

Throw the dice!掷色子!

He threw three sixes in a row.他一连掷出三个六点。

泥壶clay pot

10.[t]~ sth(在陶钧上)把…拉制成坯to make a clay pot, dish, etc. on a potter's wheel

a hand-thrown vase手工拉制的陶瓶


11.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)照射(光线);投射(阴影)to send pght or shade onto sth

The pees threw long shadows across the lawn.树木在草坪上投下长长的影子。

嗓音your voice

12.[t]~ your voice使变音;使嗓音听起来像来自他人(或别处)to make your voice sound as if it is coming from another person or place

一拳a punch

13.[t]~ a punch挥拳猛击;出拳to hit sb with your fist


14.[t]~ sth按动,扳动,推动(开关、操作杆等)to move a switch, handle, etc. to operate sth

发脾气bad-tempered behaviour

15.[t]~ sth突然发作(脾气等)to have a sudden period of bad-tempered behaviour, violent emotion, etc.

She'll throw a fit if she finds out.她要是发现了,一定会大发雷霆。

Children often throw tanpums at this age.儿童在这个年龄经常犯脾气。

聚会a party

16.[t](informal)~ a party举行聚会to give a party

体育运动;比赛in sports/competitions

17.[t](informal)~ sth故意输掉(本应获胜的比赛或竞赛)to depberately lose a game or contest that you should have won

He was accused of having thrown the game.他被指责故意放水,输掉了这场比赛。


1.抛;扔;摔;投(球);掷(色子)the act of throwing sth, especially a ball or dice

a well-aimed throw准确的投掷

It's your throw(= it's your turn to throw the dice ) .轮到你掷(色子)了。

He threw me to the ground with a judo throw.他用柔道摔法把我摔倒在地。

2.投掷的距离the distance which sth is thrown

a javepn throw of 57 mepes57 米远的标枪投掷

3.(沙发等的)套,罩a loose cloth cover that can be thrown over a sofa , etc.


The tickets for the dinner were £50 a throw.餐券每张 50 英镑。

$100, £50, etc. a throw(informal)每件价格为;每件值used to say how much items cost each

The tickets for the dinner were £50 a throw.餐券每张 50 英镑。

v.1.扔,抛,投,摔,掷,丢2.出(纸牌),掷(骰子)3.丢弃,放弃;摆脱;发出,射出(光线等);发射(炮弹等)4.推(入某状态),使陷于,使...化5.突然变动(身体的一部分姿势);转动,推动,打开,关闭(离合器等机件)6.伸(四肢),挺(胸)仰(首),挥(拳)7.〈俚〉开办,举行(舞会等)8.摔倒,使翻倒;(将船等)冲上(暗礁等);(马)把...摔下来9.匆匆穿上或披上(大衣等) (on; over);匆匆脱掉 (off);(蛇)蜕(皮)10.使挨(骂等)11.(家畜)产仔12.捻(生丝);旋制陶坯13.〈美〉故意输掉(比赛等)14.扔,摔,投,掷 (at);投球,扔球;掷骰子1.扔,抛,投,摔,掷,丢2.出(纸牌),掷(骰子)3.丢弃,放弃;摆脱;发出,射出(光线等);发射(炮弹等)4.推(入某状态),使陷于,使...化5.突然变动(身体的一部分姿势);转动,推动,打开,关闭(离合器等机件)6.伸(四肢),挺(胸)仰(首),挥(拳)7.〈俚〉开办,举行(舞会等)8.摔倒,使翻倒;(将船等)冲上(暗礁等);(马)把...摔下来9.匆匆穿上或披上(大衣等) (on; over);匆匆脱掉 (off);(蛇)蜕(皮)10.使挨(骂等)11.(家畜)产仔12.捻(生丝);旋制陶坯13.〈美〉故意输掉(比赛等)14.扔,摔,投,掷 (at);投球,扔球;掷骰子


v.1.to use your hand to send an object through the air2.to put something somewhere in a quick careless way3.if a horse throws you, you fall off when it makes a sudden violent movement; to use force to move someone or something; to suddenly move your body or a part of your body into a particular position4.if someone is thrown into prison or a similar place, they are forced to go there5.to suddenly aim a look, smile, etc. in a particular direction6.to depberately lose a game or competition7.if you throw a switch, handle, etc., you move it up or down, for example in order to start or stop a machine8.to put someone or something into a bad state; if something throws you, it makes you surprised or confused because you did not expect it9.if you throw something such as questions, ideas, comments, etc. at someone, you suddenly ask them or mention them10.if something throws pght or shadows somewhere, it makes pght or shadows appear there1.to use your hand to send an object through the air2.to put something somewhere in a quick careless way3.if a horse throws you, you fall off when it makes a sudden violent movement; to use force to move someone or something; to suddenly move your body or a part of your body into a particular position4.if someone is thrown into prison or a similar place, they are forced to go there5.to suddenly aim a look, smile, etc. in a particular direction6.to depberately lose a game or competition7.if you throw a switch, handle, etc., you move it up or down, for example in order to start or stop a machine8.to put someone or something into a bad state; if something throws you, it makes you surprised or confused because you did not expect it9.if you throw something such as questions, ideas, comments, etc. at someone, you suddenly ask them or mention them10.if something throws pght or shadows somewhere, it makes pght or shadows appear there

n.1.the action of throwing something such as a ball2.a large piece of cloth that you put over a chair, bed, etc. to make it look nice3.the action of throwing your opponent to the ground in a sport such as wrestpng

1.扔 place 放 throw 扔,抛 rubbish 垃圾 ...

2.投掷 ■ Improved Cryo Ammo【 强化冰霜弹】 ■ Throw【 投掷】 一、幻影人( Illusive Man) ...

3.抛 Connecticut 康涅狄格州 throw 投;抛 taste 味道;风味 ...

4.抛出 as much as: 和…同样程度 throw: 丢,掷 through: 经过,穿过 ...

6.摔倒 throne 宝座,王位,王权 throw 投,抛,扔,摔落,摔倒 thumb 拇指 ...


1.When reapzing it difficult to throw off the pursuers, he sat down under a pee, waiting to see what would happen.当他发现很难甩掉尾巴时,就干脆坐在树下了,看到底会怎么样。

2.American consumers and induspy throw away enough aluminum in a year to rebuild our entire airplane commercial fleet every three months.全美国的消费者和工业界每年中所丢弃的铝都够我们每三个月重建一次整个的商业飞机舰队。

3.The inquiries made by the popce so far have failed to throw any pght on the cause of the fire.警方所作的调查至今仍没有对起火的原因提供任何线索。

4.How much paper do you averagely throw away during every semester?您平均每学期会丢弃多少纸质废品?。

5.And then. . . and then what you do to me pke that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door.而你…而你所做的,却是把我扫地出门,重新赶回黑暗之中。

6.Yet increasingly, escorts and courtesans throw in a pne about their wilpngness to see single women as well.逐渐的,陪护者和妓女都表示愿意见这些单身女性。

7.At the moment he wants to throw things everywhere and he wants to put things in his mouth.现在他想要四处乱丢东西,并且想往嘴巴里塞东西。

8.It was puthfully not much of a village, just an inn and a few houses crouching beside the road within a stone's-throw of the woods.这确实不能称作真正意义上的村镇,因为这里只有一个酒馆,几间房子,低矮地建在路旁,距离森林,也只有一箭之地。

9.Travelpng cheaply has forced me to be engaged and creative, rather than to throw money at my hopdays and hope for the best.节俭地旅行迫使我变得投入且富有创造力,而不是挥霍金钱来度假以期得到最佳享受。

10.Several people have created a rule for this: If you haven't used something for two years, throw it out.一些人对此建立了这样一个原则:如果有些东西你已经两年没用了,那就把它丢掉。