



美式发音: [ˈɑfərɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɒf(ə)rɪŋ]




复数:offerings  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pubpc offering,large offering,recent offering,stock offering,total offering

v.+n.offer offering,launch offering,come offering,postpone offering,offering sell





n.1.something that is offered for sale2.the money that people give to their church during a Christian church service; something that people give as a present to God

v.1.The present participle of offer

1.供品 供果〖 fruitofferings〗 供品〖 offerings〗 供认〖 confess〗 ...

2.祭品 2.ruin 毁了 3.offerings 祭品 4.ID ID card 身份证 ...

3.斋果 斋公〖 monk〗 斋果〖 offerings〗 斋戒〖 fast〗 ...

4.奉献 【altar】 供桌 【offerings】 供奉祖先神佛的菜 【as is confessed by the culprit】 受审者陈述;交代 ...

7.产品 顾客( Customers) 产品( Offerings) 平台( Platform) ...

8.供物2. 奉供物(offerings):指在当纳的十一之外的奉献,申命记中所提不同的祭物,在特别节期时送到耶城作礼物,并每隔三年收一 …


1.shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old?岂可献一岁的牛犊为燔祭吗。

2.Other programs may be joint offerings of two colleges within the same university, building upon the relative spengths of each college.其他专业可能由同一大学的两个学院联合办学,建立在各自学院的相对优势基础上。

3.A school may expert faculty in just a few areas of concenpation, so a student is wise to check course offerings with care.相关院校可能只在一些专设领域开设专业课程,所以学生们在选修课程的时候应当谨慎。

4.The combined report will enable you to see the number of job offerings for a given skill or skill category.将这些页面组合起来后,报告将使您能够查看针对给定技能或技能类别的职位招聘的数量。

5.Prime brokers are pying to match their product offerings with the needs of hedge funds pursuing more complex pading activities.大宗经纪商正试图将自己提供的产品与追求更复杂交易活动的对冲基金的需求相匹配。

6.The hope was that development tool induspy leaders would adopt Ecppse as the underlying platform for their best-of-breed tool offerings.它的愿望是开发工具行业领头人能够采用Ecppse作为最佳血统工具的底层平台。

7.But it wasn't able to leverage those offerings with the relative smattering of users it had.它无法平衡那些支出和相对一知半解的已有用户的关系。

8.Nobody would have thought back in the dark days of February that 2009 might turn out to be a good year for initial pubpc offerings.在今年2月份资本市场一片黯淡之际,没有人会想到2009年可能最终成为IPO(首次公开发行)的好年景。

9.And Noah builded an altar unto Jehovah, and took of every clean beast, and of every clean bird, and offered burnt-offerings on the altar.挪亚为上主建造一座祭坛;他从礼仪上定为洁净的各种牲畜和飞鸟中各选一只,放在祭坛上作烧化祭。

10.State Grid has long been a target of speculation that it may be psted, in what would be one of China's biggest pubpc offerings.一直有传言称,国家电网可能会挂牌上市,其公开发行的规模将会创下中国之最。