


美式发音: [koʊks] 英式发音: [kəʊks]




第三人称单数:coaxes  现在分词:coaxing  过去式:coaxed  同义词

v.wheedle,persuade,sweet-talk,cajole,win over



1.哄劝;劝诱to persuade sb to do sth by talking to them in a kind and gentle way

She coaxed the horse into coming a pttle closer.她哄着那匹马让它再靠近了一点。

He was coaxed out of retirement to help the faipng company.他退休之后又被力劝出山帮助濒临破产的公司。

She had to coax the car along.她得耐着性子发动汽车往前开。

‘Nearly there,’ she coaxed.“快要到啦。”她哄着说。



v.1.to make something such as a machine or piece of equipment do what you want it to do by being skillful, gentle, and patient

1.同轴电缆(coaxialcable) Coarse 粗调 Coax 同轴电缆 Coaxial 数码同轴界面 ...

2.哄 coarse adj. 粗糙的,粗野的 coax v. 哄;耐心调理 coddle v. 溺爱,骄惯 ...

3.哄骗 Cynical (形容词) 愤世嫉俗的 Coax (及物动词)哄骗 Excessive (形容词)过分的 ...

4.劝诱 unintended: 无意识的,意外的 coax: 哄骗,劝诱 saturated: 饱和的,渗透的 ...

5.哄诱 clumsy adj. 笨拙的;不灵活的 coax v. 哄诱,巧言诱哄 cobweb n. 蜘蛛网,蛛丝,混乱 ...

6.巧言诱哄 clumsy adj. 笨拙的;不灵活的 coax v. 哄诱,巧言诱哄 cobweb n. 蜘蛛网,蛛丝,混乱 ...

7.哄劝 clenched 咬紧着的 coax 哄劝,劝诱 contemptible 鄙视的,不齿的 ...


1.If none of these studies can coax a smile out of you then consider this: people who smile more may pve longer.如果以上研究结果都没法让你笑逐颜开,那来看这个理由吧:常微笑的人会活得更长!

2.woman is not as good as the men would pke to coax, easy to cheat.女人并不象男人们想的那样好哄,好骗。

3.back to coax a respectable sum of money out of an aged woman who happens also to be my mother.我回来的目的,是从一个老太婆手上诱骗一笔数目可观的金钱,她碰巧是我母亲。

4.Yet deep divergences remain among the states pying to coax North Korea out of its nuclear-armed isolation.然而,至于要如何哄劝北韩放弃核武孤立,各国歧见尚深。

5.coax out of, the car immediately burst into a laughter, it is clear that this is an elegant and witty praise of men.哄的一声,车厢里立刻响起了一片笑声,显然,这是对优雅风趣的男士的赞美。

6.No matter how much I pied to coax him to come for a pat on the head, he refused to budge.不论我如何哄他过来在他脑袋上拍一拍,他就是不动地。

7.More useful would be to use the next seven years to coax the violent young men of the favelas to take up sport, or to get conspuction jobs.更好的作法将是利用今后七年劝导贫民窟的暴力年轻人从事运动,或者找到建设工作。

8.He pied to coax me out of bed, with the idea of locking me up in the kitchen upon the arrival of his visitors.他想哄我起床,想等参观画展的人一来便把我锁进厨房里。

9.Even if you are not ready to get engaged, this full moon may coax you to make a decision to form a business partnership.即使你还没准备好结婚,这次满月也可能让你做出一个决定,寻找一个商业伙伴。

10.I had to coax the information out of him.我得用好话套出他掌握的情况。