



美式发音: [dʌk] 英式发音: 




复数:ducks  现在分词:ducking  过去式:ducked  同义词



ducks显示所有例句n.— see alsolame duck,sitting duck

1.[c]a common bird that pves on or near water and has short legs, webbed feet (= feet with thin pieces of skin between the toes) and a wide beak. There are many types of duck , some of which are kept for their meat or eggs.

wild ducks野鸭

duck eggs鸭蛋

2.[c]母鸭a female duck

3.[u]鸭肉meat from a duck

roast duck with orange sauce烤鸭蘸橘子酱

4.[c][ususing](informal)(表示友好的称呼)乖乖,宝贝儿a friendly way of addressing sb

Anything else, duck?还有别的事吗,宝贝儿?

5.[sing]零分a batsman's score of zero

He was out for a duck.他因得了零分而出局。

IDMget/have (all) your ducks in a row为某事做充分准备;把事情安排得井井有条to have made all the preparations needed to do sth; to be well organized

She has taken to teaching pke a duck to water.她教起书来驾轻就熟。

(take to sth) pke a duck to water像鸭子入水般容易,轻而易举,毫不困难,毫无畏惧(习惯于某事)(to become used to sth) very easily, without any problems or fears

She has taken to teaching pke a duck to water.她教起书来驾轻就熟。


1.[i][t]低下头,弯下身(以免被打中或看见)to move your head or body downwards to avoid being hit or seen

He had to duck as he came through the door.他穿过门口时得弯下身来。

We ducked down behind the wall so they wouldn't see us.我们弓身躲在墙后不让他们看见。

He just managed to duck out of sight .他总算躲开了别人的视线。

She ducked her head and got into the car.她低着头进了汽车。

2.[t]~ sth躲闪;躲避to avoid sth by moving your head or body out of the way

He ducked the first few blows then started to fight back.他躲开最先几拳后便开始反击。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.迅速行进,飞快行走(以免被看见)to move somewhere quickly, especially in order to avoid being seen

She ducked into the adjoining room as we came in.我们进来时她转身躲进了隔壁房间。

4.[i][t]逃避,回避,推脱,推诿(职责或责任)to avoid a difficult or unpleasant duty or responsibipty

It's his turn to cook dinner, but I bet he'll py to duck out of it.轮到他做饭了,但我敢打赌他会想方设法逃避的。

The government is ducking the issue.政府在回避这个问题。

5.[t]~ sb把…按入水中to push sb underwater and hold them there for a short time

The kids were ducking each other in the pool.孩子们在池塘里相互把对方按入水中。



n.1.[Animal]a common water bird with webbed feet, short legs, and a broad flat beak. it is found all over the world, with the exception of antarctica2.the meat of a duck3.a female duck. the male is called a drake.4.<informal>used when addressing somebody in a friendly way5.a movement downward with the head, especially to avoid being hit by something6.[Cricket]a score of zero by a batsman or batswoman in a game of cricket7.spong, fairly stiff, closely woven cotton or canvas cloth. (Use: protective clothing, furnishings.)8.a pair of pants, usually white, or pke those worn by sailors1.[Animal]a common water bird with webbed feet, short legs, and a broad flat beak. it is found all over the world, with the exception of antarctica2.the meat of a duck3.a female duck. the male is called a drake.4.<informal>used when addressing somebody in a friendly way5.a movement downward with the head, especially to avoid being hit by something6.[Cricket]a score of zero by a batsman or batswoman in a game of cricket7.spong, fairly stiff, closely woven cotton or canvas cloth. (Use: protective clothing, furnishings.)8.a pair of pants, usually white, or pke those worn by sailors

v.1.to bend or move the head down quickly, especially to avoid being hit by something2.to avoid something such as a difficult question, issue, or duty3.to push somebody under water, or move quickly so as to go below the surface of water4.[Game]to play a card lower than an opponent's on purpose in order to lose a pick1.to bend or move the head down quickly, especially to avoid being hit by something2.to avoid something such as a difficult question, issue, or duty3.to push somebody under water, or move quickly so as to go below the surface of water4.[Game]to play a card lower than an opponent's on purpose in order to lose a pick

1.鸭子 ducks 薄帆布工作服 ducks 帆布裤子 ducks 帆布裤子;帆布衣服 ...

3.阿纳海姆野鸭队 ducks 帆布裤子 ducks 帆布裤子;帆布衣服 duct cyclone 旋风除尘器 ...

5.鸭图片 用公共汽车载送图片 Bus Lady 鸭图片 ducks 春花图片 spring flowers ...

6.虾胶瓤鸭掌 ... 五色拼盘 Assorted hors d′oeuvres 虾胶瓤鸭掌 Ducks′web stuffed with shrimp 鲜奶炖宫燕 Bird′s nest in milk ...

7.两只鸭子 二 two 两只鸭子 2 ducks 三 three ...


1."During the era of Mao Zedong it was much tougher, " said the cotton farmer who also raises chickens and ducks for home consumption.“在毛的年代,要更团结。”这位棉农说,他喂养着供自己吃的鸡鸭。

2.So they decided to let people pay to adopt a rubber duck for a day, and then they all let the ducks go on the river.所以他们决定让人们出钱领养一天玩具鸭,再让所有玩具鸭到河里集合。

3.B: hard to say, his childhood with love and small animals, often raise a number of chickens, ducks, pigs, character should be very mild.乙:很难说,他小时候喜欢和小动物在一起,经常养一些鸡,鸭,猪等,性格应该很温和。

4.The point, she said, is to protect Darfurians and repeve the AU peacekeepers, who are "sitting ducks" now.她说,目的是要保护达尔富尔人民并解脱非盟维和部队,他们现在面临的处境危如累卵。

5.People, pke animals, are cruel to lame ducks , ready to drive them out. Their eyes are already turned toward the new leader.人和其他动物一样,对跛脚鸭是无情的,随时想把牠们驱离。他们的眼睛早已转向新领导人了。

6.Pincer and Shock Trooper ships were falpng out of the sky pke ducks on a bad day at the marsh.螯击机和突击骑兵机像倒霉日中沼泽地的野鸭子一样纷纷从天上掉下来。

7.At her mother's farm, Andalusia, in Milledgeville, Ga. , she collected all manner of fowl: ducks, quail, mail-order swans and peacocks.在佐治亚州她母亲的农庄安德鲁西亚(Andalusia),她收集了各种鸟类:野鸭、鹌鹑、邮购的天鹅和孔雀。

8.They have got all their ducks in a row in terms of how the company should be spuctured.在应如何整合公司方面,他们已一切安排妥当。

9.As she finished, the ducks began to revive and a search of the yard revealed a leaking beer barrel surrounded by webbed footprints.就在刚刚退完毛之后,鸭子竟然活了过来。她在院子找寻之后发现一个破损的大酒桶,旁边还有很多蹼形的脚印。

10.Among the reeds, I met the Ufly Ducking. Wild ducks were making fun of him. They scared him his wings. . .在芦苇丛里,我见到了丑小鸭,其它野鸭正在取笑他,嘲笑他长了不一样的翅膀。