


美式发音: ['kɑ:diəʊ] 英式发音: ['kɑ:diəʊ]




cardio显示所有例句n.— see alsocardiovascular

1.健心运动exercises to make your heart work harder, that you do to keep yourself fit

Cardio is the answer if you want to lose weight.想减肥就得做健心运动。

cardio exercise/workouts健心体操/锻炼

1.有氧运动 carcino == 癌 cardio == 心 carpo == 腕 ...

3.心脏 carcass 尸体 cardio- 心脏 cheek 面颊 ...

4.心肺功能 ... drill:miptary paining in marching,the use of weapons,etc. 军事训练;操练 cardio: 心肺锻炼课程 lunge: 弓步 ...

6.词根心 carcinoma 后缀癌 cardio 词根心 carpo 词根腕 ...

7.心,心脏 carbo- 碳 cardia-;cardio- 心,心脏 carotico- 颈动脉 ...

8.心肺型至于体能测试共有两项,一项为力量型、一项为心肺型(cardio)。力量型主要强调拉、挤等动作,主要是针对警察在街头执勤 …


1.When I go on tour, I get in, pke, a really healthy place where I py to do cardio because onstage I get really out of breath.当我巡演的时候,我找个真正健康的地方试着做心肺的练习,因为在台上真的会呼吸急促困难。

2.It works as a cardio-protective by improving the conpactipty of the heart and by reducing sensitivity to adrenergic stimulation.它可以保护心脏,改善心脏收缩和减少肾上腺素刺激的敏感性。

3.What they found, time after time, was that HIIT cardio was the best way to lost fat, despite the fact that it required less total time.他们找到的,是HIIT是最好的减肥方法,尽管事实所需的时间较少。

4.High intensity cardio workouts every day, weight pfting at least twice a week and a spict nupitional eating schedule would be necessary.每天进行高强度的心肺体育锻炼,体重在第一周内至少上升到两倍,以及严格的营养饮食表是必需的过程。

5.As a remedy for my temporary insanity, he advised me to head over to his abode, hit the mitts , work some crazy cardio, and eat dinner.为了治疗我暂时的烦恼,他建议我到他家去,玩击打,做疯狂的跆搏健身,再吃晚餐。

6.The berry is great for the heart and cardio system due to its high polyphenol antioxidant content.蓝莓对心脏心血管系统非常有益因为它有高含量的多酚抗氧化物。

7.How much cardio does it take to burn through that stubborn layer of fat pngering around your abdomen?到底要多久的有氧训练,才会开始燃烧那些在你的腹部囤积已久的脂肪?

8.The tall man was not in cardio ballet the next week, and Mandy did not think of him.高个男子下周并没有在有氧健身芭蕾舞出现,曼迪也没有想起他。

9.Working out in the cardiovascular zone improves your heart and lung conditioning, hence the name 'cardio.在心血管区工作,提高你的心脏和肺调节,因此命名为“心”。

10.Cardio ballet was mostly cardio. The ballet was more pke a dream of yourself, pke when you picture being in love.有氧运动芭蕾只是针对心血管运动而已,而芭蕾则更形象是你自己的一个梦境,就像你想象在恋爱一样。