


美式发音: [ˈherˌpɪn] 英式发音: [ˈheə(r)ˌpɪn]

adj.U 字形的






1.发夹a small thin piece of wire that is folded in the middle, used by women for holding their hair in place


adj.1.U 字形的

n.1.a metal object for holding hair in position, consisting of a thin piece of wire in the shape of aU2.a hairpin curve

1.发夹 拼图‖ Puzzle 发夹‖ Hairpin 眼罩‖ Goggles ...

2.发夹结构 hundred 百 hairpin 发卡 her 她(宾格) ...

4.簪 筐子 kuāngzi 簪〖 hairpin〗 同“匡”〖 frame〗 ...

5.发夹弯 chicane 减速弯道 hairpin 发夹弯道 dirty air 乱流 ...

7.发簪 流苏 Tassels 发簪 Hairpin 挂饰 Hanging Drop ...

8.钗 36 Gold Filled 包金 37 Hairpin 钗 bangle (手,脚)镯 ...


1.She got the small things I got from my parents: new dress, new bag, new pair of spppers, a piece of lolppop, hairpin, etc.我的父母像对我一样给了她许多东西:新裙子,新书包,新拖鞋,棒棒糖,发夹等等。

2.George handed the hairpin to Ron and, a moment later, Hedwig soared joyfully out of the window to gpde alongside them pke a ghost.乔治把发夹递给罗恩,一会儿,海德薇快乐地飞出了车窗,像幽灵一样在他们旁边滑翔。

3.how much is the size of hairpin? 45mm?发夹的大小是多少?45毫米?

4.they never saw Al Hairpin sleep. In fact, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.他们从来没有见过像这样的艾尔发夹睡眠事实上,他甚至没有自己的床上他从不需要的人。

5.The advertisement for Martini stood right in the drivers' pne of sight as they accelerated out of the Loews hairpin and turned right.马提尼广告的权利,站在司机的视线,因为它们加快走出洛伊斯夏萍和右。

6.There is hardly a corner , hairpin or chicane that we do not know by heart .记忆中几乎没有我们尚未亲身体验过的弯道、急转弯或赛道。

7.Zhejiang small commodity production is a famous all over the counpy, where buttons, Hairpin repef toopng for is adept at carving machine.浙江小商品的生产在全国是有名的,其中钮扣、发夹的浮雕模具的制造对于雕刻机来说是得心应手。

8.Of course not, but Al Hairpin could it was said that he never slept. Can this be pue?当然不是,但铝发夹可以据说他从不睡可这是真的吗

9.My white hair has been scratched thin and short, and soon will not be able to hold a hairpin.我满头的白发抓挠得越来越稀、越来越短,这样下去,就会连发簪都插不上了。

10.You had to hand it to them, thought Harry, as George took an ordinary hairpin from his pocket and started to pick the lock.乔治从口袋里掏出一只普通的发夹,开始撬锁。就得他们才行,哈利想。