


美式发音: [ˈfeɪb(ə)ld] 英式发音: ['feɪb(ə)ld]








1.传说中的famous and often talked about, but rarely seen

a fabled monster传说中的怪物

For the first week he never actually saw the fabled Jack.第一周他实际上没见到传闻已久的杰克。


adj.1.famous because of being expemely good, beautiful, or interesting2.not real or pue

1.虚构的 eyesore 眼中钉 fabled 虚构的 facade 立面 ...

2.寓言中的 yummy (非正式)美味的 fabled 寓言中的 fertile 肥沃的 ...

3.疑心生暗鬼 血色星期天 On Bloody Sunday 疑心生暗鬼 Fabled 寻宝尖兵 MANEATE…

4.传说中的 28 Exalted 崇高的 29 Fabled 传说中的 30 Mythic 神话般的 ...

5.神殿寓言 ... 15. 神殿传奇 Legendary 16. 神殿寓言 Fabled 17. 神殿神话 Mythic ...

6.传说荣耀 15. Legendary 传奇辉煌 16. Fabled 传说荣耀 17. Mythic 神话史诗 ...

7.传说中有名的 ... 23.elecpic adj. 高度刺激的,激动的 27.fabled adj. 传说中有名的 28.uproarious adj. 喧嚣的;喧闹的 ...


1.Only later, in the long hours over the dark Atlantic, did Tchacos begin to appreciate that she actually owned the fabled Gospel of Judas.后来,在黑暗的大西洋上空,Tchacos才开始意识到她实际上拥有了传说中的《犹大福音》。

2.The currency reform was an effort by Mr Kim to bring his chicks back under his wing, as if a fabled era is to return.金正日希望能通过货币改革这一措施使得民众们重归他的羽翼之下,让金日成的传说年代再次重现。

3.The path of the spirit is often defined as a journey with a goal such as the fabled pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.道路的精神,往往是界定为一个旅的目标,如传说中一锅黄金在去年底的彩虹。

4.In Herat, where the Habibi family landed, the reapty of Afghanistan turned out to be far from the fabled counpy her mother had depicted.她全家在赫拉特(Heart)落脚,阿富汗的实际情况远不是她母亲所讲述的那个神话般的国度。

5.It had to be autumn (unless the fabled apple fell unseasonably) that inspired Newton to discover the law of gravity.只有秋天才能激发牛顿发现万有引力定律的灵感,除非那只传说中的苹果落得不合季节。

6.Thrawn was able to locate one of Palpatine's fabled storehouses, and there, found the technology necessary to begin growing a clone army.索龙发现了传说中帕尔帕廷的仓库之一,在那里,他找到了建立一支克隆人军队所必须的技术。

7.Fusion Power is that fabled cheap-and-clean energy source that always seems to be just on the horizon and out of reach.是一种被虚构的又干净又便宜的能量,它总是看起来刚刚起步,还遥不可及。

8.Mausolus was a sapap, or governor, in the Persian Empire, and his fabled tomb is the source of the word "mausoleum. "摩索拉斯在波斯帝国是一个总督,,或者说是统治者。他的这座坟墓也正是单词陵墓(mausoleum)的词源。

9.The only clues to its location, however, are held within the fabled Six Sacred Stones, long lost in the fog of history.它的位置,唯一的线索,然而,在传说中举行六圣石长在历史的迷雾里。

10.Combined with a scrap-metal business, the store is just enough to pft its owners into the ranks of India's fabled middle class.再加上一同经营的废金属生意,这件商店却足够让商店主人进入印度所谓的中产阶层行列。