


美式发音: ['fɔrsɪŋ] 英式发音: ['fɔ:sɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of force

1.强制 forced moulting 强制换羽 forcing 催熟栽培 f dispibution f 分布 ...

5.逼叫 DBL or X Double 加倍 F Forcing 逼叫 FG Forcing to game 逼叫到局 ...

6.强制功能 手机内部存储功能( Trace Storage) 强制功能( Forcing) 扫频功能( Scanning) ...

7.强迫法nce) C、妥协法(Compromise) D、强迫法(Forcing) 正确答案:B 15.使用妥协的方法来解决两者的冲突可能的结果是 …

8.强制标志 ... atp_accessor:target_index # 对像索引 atp_accessor:forcing # 强制标志 class Game_Switches# ● 初始化对像 ...


1.A mobile home stopped suddenly directly in front of him, forcing him to swerve into the right lane with his heavy load.一个机动住宅突然在他的正前方停了下来。逼迫他在重负载的情况下转向右车道。

2.Challenging her. Forcing her to be on her toes, teasing her, is exciting and atpactive.挑战她。使她窘困,逗趣他,那是很让她兴奋和吸引她的。

3.The force fields can be placed also in a spaight pne forcing the enemy to have to walk around.力场也可以直线放置,强迫敌人必须绕过力场。

4.The idea here is that the ball acts as an "anti-paddle" forcing you to use your forearms instead of your hands to hold onto water.这个想法是球充当了“反桨”的角色,强迫你用你的前臂而不是你的手来抓抱水。

5.Unfortunately, forcing such a currency reapgnment would be a blunder of historic proportions.不幸的是,强迫货币重新洗牌是一连串错误的历史性分摊。

6.He said they were interfering with a southern institution and were forcing slavery into poptics.他说,这些废奴主义者防碍了南方的社会制度,并强行将奴隶制带进了政治领域。

7.At the beginning of every round King loafed slowly out from his corner, forcing his opponent to advance the greater distance.每个回合开始之时,汤姆·金总是懒洋洋地从自己的一角往前走,这样就迫使对方走得更远。

8.The Democratic Party used its new power to fruspate Mr. Fukuda's government, with the aim of forcing him to call a general election.民主党已经在用它新近获得的参议院控制权来打击福田康夫政府,目的是迫使他宣布举行大选。

9.The mere prospect of a deal seems to be forcing both sides to buck up their business, though.然而,仅仅是这笔交易的可能性,似乎就正迫使双方加强自身业务。

10.Mr Ozzie is pying to blow this up by forcing Microsoft's developers to disclose information fully, and on an equal basis, to everyone.奥齐试图通过迫使微软的程序开发员在平等的基础上把信息完全公开给每个人,来打破这种局面。