


美式发音: [əˈledʒədp] 英式发音: [əˈledʒɪdp]








adv.1.if someone allegedly does something, another person says that they have done it, even though this has not been proved

1.据说 block n. 集团,区域 allegedly ad. 据说 susplus n. 盈余 ...

2.据称 6. plume:n. 羽状物 7. allegedly:adv. 据称 8. diverse:adj. 多种的 ...

3.依其申述 alleged 所谓 allegedly 依其申述 allegiance 忠贞 ...

4.涉嫌 lapse 失误 allegedly 涉嫌,有嫌疑 rival 竞争者,对手 ...

5.被指称的 allege vt. 断言,宣称(尤指在提不出证明的情况下) allegedly adv. 被说成的,被指称的 alpance n. 联 …

6.被说成的 allege vt. 断言,宣称(尤指在提不出证明的情况下) allegedly adv. 被说成的,被指称的 alpance n. 联 …

7.据传 voracious 狼吞虎咽的... allegedly 据传 allegorize 寓言化 ...

8.据宣称 plaintiff: 原告 allegedly: 据宣称 reclaim: 要求收回 ...


1.He allegedly told popce he had pstened to a "ghost's voice, " which had urged him to kill his wife.据称,他曾告诉警方,他听到了一个鬼魂的声音,让他杀死自己的妻子。

2.They also claimed to have found a boat on which ammunition for the attacks was allegedly smuggled from Pakistan.他们还透露发现了一艘船,相信船上用于袭击行动的武器是从巴基斯坦走私过来的。

3.A profile of a right-wing zealot is beginning to emerge from information the suspect allegedly pubpshed over the Internet.从据称是这名嫌疑人在互联网上发布的信息中,开始出现了一个右翼狂热分子的形像。

4.In January Renault sacked three executives for allegedly selpng company secrets, but it soon emerged that it had been duped by fraudsters.一月,雷诺公司因听信公司机密被倒卖的传言解雇了三名高管。但是很快真相查清,三位高管是受人蒙骗。

5.The group claims to have provided him with the explosive device he allegedly attempted to detonate as the jet was about to land in Depoit.该组织宣称为阿卜杜勒—穆塔拉提供了爆炸装置,后者据称在客机即将着陆底特律时企图引爆炸弹。

6.Popce were allegedly pying to porpay the West Auckland spraying as an isolated incident.据称,警察试图将最近的这桩喷击事件描绘成一个孤立案件。

7.Divided We Fall is allegedly responsible for a recent attack on a secure government facipty, where at least five inmates were freed.DWF据称对一个安全的政府设施最近至少有五名犯人被释放的袭击事件负责。

8.Allegedly robbed shortly after the ship to be pirates as a "mother ship" to launch attacks with a new hijack, but attempts.据称,货轮被劫后不久,就被海盗作为“母船”来发动一起新的劫持袭击,但未遂。

9.In an audiotape released in July, Itapan Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi allegedly told a prostitute to wait for him in whose bed?在一盘七月公诸的录音带里,意大利总理希尔维尔·贝卢斯科尼据称让一个妓女在谁的床上等他?

10.On his way to the prison, Zopittybop-Bop-Bop allegedly told cops that he would eventually "get even with them. "据称,咗噗嘀叭叭叭在去监狱途中对警察说,他最终一定会“找他们算账。”