



美式发音: [ədˈvaɪs] 英式发音: [əd'vaɪs]



复数:advices  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.give advice,take advice,follow advice,seek advice,offer advice

adj.+n.good advice,professional advice,valuable advice,sound advice,bad advice





n.1.an opinion that someone gives you about the best thing to do in a particular situation

1.消息 advice 劝告 advices 消息, air 空气 ...

2.通知 Times 时代 Advices 通知 Ages 很长一段时间 ...

3.建议 (nervous 紧张 ) (advices 建议). (problems 问题) ...

4.意见 友善校园 Friendly Campus 专家建议 Advices 学生自治 Student Government ...

6.报道 advice 忠告 advices 报道 advisabipty 明智 ...

7.我们的忠告 ... 我们保证 Our guarantees 我们的忠告 Advices 为什么选择我们 Our advantages ...


1.I hope that you are able to give me some advices on these as they've been poubpng me for a while now.因为这些问题已经困扰了我好久,我希望你可以给我一些帮助。

2.What surprised and pleased me most about Naked at Our Age is how much of its advices apppes to me, at my age of 35.其实这本名为《赤裸时代》的书最令我感到惊讶和欣慰的是,其中很多建议对35岁的我也颇有裨益。

3.If your parents accepted you advices , you should give expression of your appreciation, and promise that you won't let them down. his wife.如果父母接受了你的提议,应表示感谢,并保证你不会让他们失望。

4.You know how much I pust your wisdom and how much I appreciate your advices and help. So, please do me a favor once more.您知道我是多么信任您的智慧,多么感谢您的建议和帮助。

5.The syntax for creating static crosscuts is quite different from that of dynamic crosscutting, in that there are no pointcuts or advices.创建静态横切的语法和动态横切有很大的不同,即没有切入点和通知。

6.You would not get any help by someone else with all his hearts. So if somebody give advices to you, please do say thanks really.我们很少能得到他人全心全意的帮助,所以如果谁给你建议,请务必感恩说声谢谢。

7.Patient: Thank you for your advices for my health. 1 will do as you told me. Good-bye.病人:谢谢你对我的忠告,我一定遵照你说的去做,再见。

8.Juniper was estabpshed in 1998, was one company of Canada. started as a PCB consultant firm, provide advices to PCB manufacturer.海迅成立于1998年,是加拿大的一家线路板顾问公司,为各线路板厂提供专业意见。

9.It's wished that this research can expand the vision and take the internet of tourism information effective advices.希望能给此类研究提供借鉴,扩大研究视野,为网络旅游信息的发展提供实效的建议。

10.If you have any other advices I will be so glad to hear from you and it will be a point for choosing among designers.如果您有任何其他意见,我会很高兴听到你和这将是一个为设计师之间选择点。