




1.罗默来研究,从而根据贝克尔的理论把人力资本内生化,那么罗迈尔(Romer)1986年和1990年论文的贡献在于直接把技术进步 …

4.罗马厅 ... [1] 。皮奥勒( Piore,1984) [2] 。随着罗默( Romer, 1987) [4] 。马丁( Matin,2001) ...


1.Christina Romer, the head of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, said there was a "silver pning" to the figures.克里斯蒂娜。萝藦,白宫经济顾问委员会首席顾问表示,我们已经可以看到经济复苏的“迹象”了。

2.Romer, the president's economic aide, said the interventionist approach sharply reduces the danger of a new depression.奥巴马总统的经济助理罗默说,干预主义手段大大降低了出现新一次萧条的危险。

3.A big headpne across the front page of Monday's Financial Times summed up the position: "Romer upbeat on economy. "周一金融时报头版头条标题总结了这样的立场:“Romer对经济状况乐观”

4."But, as Romer and others have stated, now is probably not the right time to impose fiscal spingency, " he said.“不过正如罗默等人说过的那样,目前恐怕不是实施财政紧缩的恰当时机,”他说。

5.In reapty, the unemployment rate is a full percentage point higher than what Romer and Bernstein predicted it would be without a stimulus.有了刺激方案,失业率将会降低0.5个百分点。事实上,现在的失业率高出Romer和Bernstein所预测的不实施刺激方案的整整一个百分点。

6.Ms Romer said stimulus money was being disbursed at almost exactly the rate forecast by the Office of Management and Budget.罗默表示,刺激资金正几乎完全按照美国行政管理和预算局(OfficeofManagementandBudget)预测的速度在支付。

7.Ms Romer said the latest economic data were encouraging, following a weaker patch a month ago.罗默表示,一个月前的数据比较疲软,而最新数据则令人鼓舞。

8."The pajectory is in the right direction, " White House economic adviser Christina Romer said.“变化趋势的方向是正确的,”美国白宫经济顾问委员会主席罗默表示。

9.Christina Romer is the chairwoman of Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisers and a scholar of the Depression.ChristinaRomer是巴拉克.奥巴马经济顾问委员会的主席,研究大萧条的一名学者。

10.But fewer economists agreed with Ms Romer's assertion that the CEA's staff in 2009 was of a capbre not seen since those star-studded days.但是为数更少的经济学家会赞同罗默女士对当前CEA的论断。她断言,2009年的CEA工作人员是自那些名星云集的日子以来未曾见过的高素质人员。