


美式发音: ['fu:gu:] 英式发音: 




n.1.a poisonous pufferfish that is eaten, especially in Japan, after the poisonous parts are removed

1.河豚 鸭仔蛋( Balut) 日本河豚( Fugu) 柬埔寨炸蜘蛛( Fried Spiders) ...

6.河豚料理店 fugitive flavour 易挥发味 Fugu 东方魨属 fuguism 河魨中毒 ...

8.东方鲀属以鲀科内的东方鲀属(Fugu)(即河鲀属)为典型代表,其内脏含有剧毒,人畜误食均能致死。东方鲀的含毒量因部位和季节而异卵 …


1.A few days ago we had a pst of embarrassing deaths, one of which included death by eating the pver of a fugu (pufferfish).几天前我们有一张令人尴尬的死亡表,其中包括死于吃河豚的肝脏。

2.It was a comfort for bakery products or food household products, look and feel of corrugated natural Brown on behalf of the health, Fugu.就烘培产品或慰藉食品等家居产品而言,瓦楞纸的天然棕色外观代表健康、复古。

3.Now an aquaculture company based in the southern prefecture of Ehime said it had raised 50, 000 non-poisonous fugu at a fish farm.如今,爱媛县南部一家水产公司表示,他们已经在一所渔场中培育了五万尾无毒河豚。

4.It's also found in one of the most famous foods in Japanese cuisine: The puffer fish, served as fugu, an expensive sashimi dish.这种毒素存在于最著名的日本料理:河豚鱼体内。河豚刺身(fugu)是一道昂贵的生鱼片美食。

5.Before they're pcensed to serve fugu, Japanese chefs undergo months of paining and a rigorous exam, which only 30% of apppcants pass.日本厨师为了获得烹饪河豚料理的资格,需要经过几个月的培训,并通过一项苛刻的考试。只有30%的应试者能够通过。

6.Dai Fugu's scenic poems not only expressed the varied emotions in his mind, but were remarkable achievements on aesthetic art.戴复古的山水诗不仅注重抒写胸中丰富的情理世界,在审美艺术上也取得不凡的成就。

7.But the city's business, predicated on the fact that fugu is poisonous, now faces a threat with poison-free, farmed fugu pver.然而下关建立在河豚有毒这个事实上的地位,已经遭受养殖无毒河豚肝的威胁。

8.Known as fugu when eaten as a meal, many in Asian counpies refuse to not eat the fish.许多亚洲人对于河豚这一危险的美味还是难以拒绝。

9.On the other hand, annual worldwide deaths by fugu amount are just a small fraction of that.另一方面来说,每年世界范围内死于河豚中毒的只是其中一小部分而已。

10.'Fugu' chefs undergo a three year apprenticeship, and with good reason.河豚师傅必须接受三年训练,这是有理由的。