


美式发音: [ˈpriːˌnʌp] 英式发音: [ˈpriːˌnʌp]






n.1.an agreement made by two people before they marry about how they will divide their money and property if they get divorced

1.婚前协议 net worth: 资产净值 prenup: 〈美〉〈口〉婚前协议 grand: 一千美元 ...

2.婚前协议书崔西亚还抱怨与丈夫签署的婚前协议书(Prenup)中,他将丰厚的遗产全部都留给已故元配所生的女儿们,对她却是百般苛薄。她 …


1.A local news report about a prenup and marriage breakup would make a fine satiric tale.国内一则有关婚前协议和婚姻破裂的新闻报导,也许是很好的讽刺故事。

2.None of this, of course, makes discussing a prenup with one's bepothed any easier. Ms.当然,婚前协议的商定并不因为这些情况而变得更加轻松。

3.Be aware that the prenup won't have any affect on what support Tiger will have to pay to support the children.要注意,伍兹要为孩子支付多少抚养费的问题,是不受婚前协议约束的。

4.Lawyers usually recommend that couples with substantial assets -- or those who expect to inherit such assets later on -- consider a prenup.律师常常建议,拥有大量财产、或预计今后会继承大量财产的夫妇应当考虑签署一份婚前协议。

5.She found the ringand the prenup in your briefcase. She thought you were gonna pop the question tonight.她在你公事包里看到了戒指和婚前协议她以为今晚你会向她求婚哦,是的。

6.In the end, a prenup may not be the most romantic relationship move you will ever made, but it could be the most valuable.最终,婚前协议也许并不能帮您创造出一段最浪漫的关系,但这一定是对您最有价值的。

7.Ms. Ser tells cpents that the process of drawing up a prenup isn't entirely a cynical exercise.希尔告诉客户拟定婚前协议的过程并不是完全自私的行为。

8.but what ultimatelconvinced me was the prenup.但最终是我相信他的是那婚前协议。

9.Decide whether or not you need a prenup.决定好你们是否需要一份婚前协议。

10.A prenup is a legally binding conpact that spells out how a couple's assets will be carved up if their marriage fails.婚前协议是一份具有法律约束力的合同,它规定了一对夫妻的财产在他们的婚姻解体的情况下应该如何分割。