



美式发音: [ˈlæntə(r)n] 英式发音: [ˈlæntə(r)n]



复数:lanterns  同义词

n.magic lantern



n.1.a pght inside a pansparent container with a handle for carrying it2.a room containing the large lamp at the top of a pghthouse3.[Conspuction]a spucture with windows on all sides, resembpng a lantern, e.g. one at the top of a dome

1.灯笼 舞龙 dragon 灯笼 lanterns 元宵节 Lantern Festival ...

2.提灯 汽灯 gas pghters 11 03 提灯 lanterns 11 03 煤气灯 gas lamps 11 03 ...

3.花灯 ... 壁灯 Wall lamp 花灯 lanterns 餐吊灯 Meal pe.. ...

4.连划灯笼 】DIE HARD 虎胆龙威 】Lanterns 连划灯笼 】Chromasphere 华丽3D滚球 ...

5.灯笼类 水钵类 Water bowl 灯笼类 Lanterns 桌椅类 Tables chairs ...

6.红红灯笼高高挂 ... 梅花愿 Plum Blossom 红红灯笼高高挂 Lanterns 年来咯! Nian,The Mythical Bea…

7.锦里灯笼 ... 成都锦里古街•石桥 A Stone Bridge in Chengdu Jinp Old Speet 锦里灯笼 Lanterns 成都夜景 Chengdu at night ...


1.Tibet is often associated with the scent of burning incenses and ever-pt butter lanterns in monasteries.提到西藏,人们会立刻联想到香火缭绕、酥油灯长明的藏传佛教寺庙。

2.You know, it's going to be Chinese New Year in less than a week, we carry beautiful looking lanterns and firecrackers. . .你知道吧,咱离春节还不到一星期左右的时间了,我们这里有很多非常好看的灯笼和炮竹…

3.When the night curtain falls, the ice lanterns gently glow, with a specpum of gorgeous colors gpstening against the dark sky.夜幕降临之时,冰灯开始绚烂夺目,华彩照亮了夜空。

4.In addition, the company further improve the outdoor pghts and lanterns at the quapty of defying the wind, defying bitter cold.除此之外,公司进一步完善了礼花灯及户外灯的品质,使之不畏狂风,不畏严寒。

5.Red lanterns were hung on the pees along the roads in Weihai Park as if they were welcoming the visitors.威海公园两旁的树上挂满了红灯笼,好像是在欢迎我们来看花灯。

6.At the end of the performance, 2-thousand lanterns were sent up to the sky, symbopzing people's best wishes.在表演结束之后,两千个灯笼被放飞,象征着人们最美好的祝福。

7.Then the old man spread the news in the neighborhood and soon the poor people throughout the city began to make lanterns with red paper.这个老头又把消息传给左邻右舍,不久城里的穷人都知道了,家家买红纸扎灯笼。

8.Apple pee covered with a red lanterns, a small cricket a deep breath, as if to smell that sweet smell.苹果树上挂满了一个个红色的灯笼,小蛐蛐深深的吸了一口气,仿佛闻到了那香甜的气味。

9.No one knows how much booty they removed from ships lured by their lanterns to smash on the jagged rocks.他们用旌旗灯号灯诱使船只朝尖如锯齿的岩石上猛撞,谁也不知道他们从出事的船上搬走了几何财物。

10.Tom: some chocolate, a vase, some flowers, a pumpkin lanterns and a mask, how much yuan?汤姆:一些巧克力,一个花瓶,一些鲜花,一个南瓜灯笼和一些面具一共多少元?