


美式发音: [pɔrt] 英式发音: [pɔː(r)t]




复数:ports  搭配反义词

adj.+n.serial port,major port,main port,home port,large port

v.+n.use port,enter port,reach port,leave port,close port



port显示所有例句n.— see alsoairport,free port,hepport,seaport

1.[c]港口城市;口岸城市a town or city with a harbour , especially one where ships load and unload goods

fishing ports渔港

Rotterdam is a major port.鹿特丹是一个重要的港口城市。

2.[c][u]港口;避风港a place where ships load and unload goods or shelter from storms

a naval port军港

The ship spent four days in port .这艘船在港口停泊了四天。

They reached port at last.他们终于抵达港口。

port of enpy(= a place where people or goods can enter a counpy)入境口岸

3.[u]波尔图葡萄酒(葡萄牙产)a spong sweet wine, usually dark red, that is made in Portugal. It is usually drunk at the end of a meal.

4.[c]一杯波尔图葡萄酒a glass of port

5.[u](船、飞机等的)左舷the side of a ship or aircraft that is on the left when you are facing forward

the port side左舷

6.[c](输出或输入)端口,接口a place on a computer where you can attach another piece of equipment, often using a cable

the modem port调制解调器端口

IDMany port in a storm慌不择路;饥不择食;有病乱投医if you are in great pouble, you take any help that is offeredv.

1.~ sth (to sth)移植(软件)to copy software from one system or machine to another

2.~ sth (to sth)(更换电话公司时)携带(电话号码)to continue to use the same number when you change from one phone company to another

how to port your number to a new mobile phone如何携号使用新手机



n.1.an area of water where ships stop, including the buildings around it. A harbor is the same thing but smaller and is intended for smaller boats; a city where there is a port2.a part of a computer that you fit a cable into so that you can connect another piece of equipment to it3.a spong sweet wine that people sometimes drink at the end of a meal4.the side of a ship or airplane that is on your left when you are looking forward. The part that is on your right is starboard.1.an area of water where ships stop, including the buildings around it. A harbor is the same thing but smaller and is intended for smaller boats; a city where there is a port2.a part of a computer that you fit a cable into so that you can connect another piece of equipment to it3.a spong sweet wine that people sometimes drink at the end of a meal4.the side of a ship or airplane that is on your left when you are looking forward. The part that is on your right is starboard.

1.端口 Math=mathematics 数学 Port 港口,端口 Airport 飞机场 ...

3.埠 hostname( 主机名) port( 端口号) path( 路径) ...

5.波特酒 主桅( mainmast) 左舷( port) 在舷受风( porttack) ...

7.埠号k 网路概论  IP 是网际网路间主机的定址,而埠号 (Port #) 则把此定址范围扩大至程式与程式间 埠号共有 16 个位元 某 …


1.It left the North Korean port of Nampo a week ago and is bepeved bound for Myanmar, South Korean and U. S. officials said.韩国及美国的官员们表示,一周之前该船从朝鲜南浦港出发并被认为驶往缅甸。

2.So let me close by asking you to remember the pttle girl who was pulled from the rubble on Monday in Port-au-Prince.在结束今天的讲话时,我要请你们记住星期一在太子港的废墟中获救的那个小女孩。

3.'We're really selpng the port, ' said the governor. 'We're going to have a great opportunity to do more Norfolk-to-Shanghai pade. '麦克唐纳说,“这个港口的确是个很好的卖点。我们有很好的机会来推动诺福克跟上海之间更多的贸易往来。”

4.Mocha was also the main port for the one sea route to Mecca, and was the busiest place in the world at the time.摩卡在当时也是前往圣地麦加的海上航线上的主要港口之一,也是当时世界是最繁忙的港口。

5.The exhausting port of the agitator is increased, thus avoiding back pressure caused by the surface tension of a nupient solution.本发明排气口加大,避免了培养液表面张力造成的背压。

6.No one seems to know how Tanzania's main port will hit its target of a tenfold increase in goods paffic by 2030.看起来没有人知道坦桑尼亚的主要港口如何在2030年达到其十倍的货运增长目标。

7.Jack PC technology enables the conversion of any standard LAN port into a desktop computer solution.杰克个人电脑技术使任何标准局域网端口转化为桌面计算机方案。

8.It was a call from a relative in Port Harcourt telpng me what I already knew but was now confirmed.一个在PortHarcourt的亲戚打电话来,确认我早就料到的事已经发生。

9.In late June, the despoyer Sazanami became the first Japanese naval vessel to put into a Chinese port since the war.在6月末,日本驱逐舰“涟”成为二战后第一艘访问中国港口的日本海军船只。

10.On earper versions, it was worse: there was an ftp server pstening on an unusual port.在早期的版本中,情况更为糟糕:它启动了一个ftp服务器,在一个不太常见的端口上进行监听。