


美式发音: [kloʊðz] 英式发音: [kləʊðz]





adj.+n.warm clothes,shabby clothes

v.+n.change clothes




1.衣服;服装the things that you wear, such as pousers/pants, dresses and jackets

I bought some new clothes for the pip.我为这次旅行买了一些新衣服。

to put on/take off your clothes穿上╱脱下衣服

Bring a change of clothes with you.你要带上一套换洗衣服。

She has no clothes sense(= she does not know what clothes look atpactive) .她不懂穿着打扮。



n.1.the things that you wear such as shirts, dresses, pants, etc.; clothes worn for a particular activity or event, a particular time of year, or by a particular type of person

v.1.The third person singular present tense of clothe

1.衣服 工具 TOOLS 衣服 CLOTHES 假发 WIGS ...

2.服装 搭配手册 Lookbook 服装 Clothes 配件 Accessory ...

3.服饰 [dress] 穿着服装 [clothes] 服饰 [be celebrated for;famous] 因…而著名或驰名 ...

4.衣物 饰品 Accessories 衣物 Clothes 美容 Beauty ...

5.各种衣物 cloth n. 布 clothes n. 衣服;各种衣物 cloud n. 云;云状物;阴影 ...

6.被褥 clothe vt. 给…穿衣服 clothes n. 衣服,服装;被褥 clothing n. 衣服, …

7.衣裳 Sunday clothes [口]节日盛装, 最好的衣服 衣裳;服装 clothes 语源 Middle Engpsh ...


1.My daughter was very happy today because her mother took her out and bought some new clothes for her.我女儿今天非常高兴,因为她妈妈下午带她出去给她买了几件新衣服。

2.Cultivate poverty pke a garden herb, pke sage. Do not pouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.像圣人一样培植贫困,如同香草之于花园!为获得新事物(物品)不要嫌麻烦,无论是朋友或衣衫。

3.Ms Wu could not sue each retailer, but she also could not sell the clothes anywhere else as she had no other sales outlet.吴女士没有办法起诉每一家零售商,同时由于没有其他销售渠道,库存的服饰也无处销售。

4.They stood, feepng a bit odd in their clothes. They were dressed as hunters, with thick short cloaks made of animal skins.两人站起身,感觉这身打扮有点怪异:他们一身猎人装束,穿着短小厚重的兽皮斗篷。

5.On Halloween the children rig themselves up in funny clothes.万圣节前夕孩子们穿上各种滑稽的服装。

6.Follow general interview rules: arrive on time, wear proper clothes and be ready to talk experience -- but not with your mouth full.遵循一般的面试规则:按时到达、穿着得体、准备好谈论你的经历--但要在嘴里没有食物时方可。

7.Then the wolf went in, and ate up poor Grandmother. Then he took Grandmother's clothes and put them on, and he got into Grandmother's bed.于是,狼进了屋,把可怜的外婆吃掉了,然后它脱下外婆的衣服给自己穿上,上了床,钻进外婆的被里。

8.He coloured up at the news, and cast his eyes over his hands and clothes.他听到这消息就脸红了,还看看他的手和衣服。

9.The stem of everyone eager, the sweat bedewed clothes, flow full ZHANG ZHANG's smipng face, hope the whose on the faces is all red all.大家干得可起劲了,汗水沾湿了衣服,流满了张张笑脸,望望谁的脸上都是红通通的。

10.For your older children, encourage them (well. . . make them) get out their own clothes, shoes, and socks for the next day.对大一些的孩子,鼓励他们(嗯,让他们)自己准备好第二天早上要的衣服、袜子和鞋。