


美式发音: [ˈdʒɜrni] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɜː(r)ni]




复数:journeys  现在分词:journeying  过去式:journeyed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.long journey,pleasant journey,short journey,arduous journey,dangerous journey

v.+n.make journey,start journey,break journey,undertake journey,plan journey





1.(尤指长途)旅行,行程an act of pavelpng from one place to another, especially when they are far apart

They went on a long pain journey across India.他们乘火车作了一次横跨印度的长途旅行。

Did you have a good journey?你一路顺利吗?

on the outward/return journey在外出╱返回途中

We broke our journey(= stopped for a short time) in Madrid.我们途中在马德里作了短暂的停留。

Don't use the car for short journeys.短途旅行就别开车。

It's a day's journey by car.开车的话要走一天。

I'm afraid you've had a wasted journey(= you cannot do what you have come to do) .对不起,你白跑一趟了。

Bye! Safe journey!(= used when sb is beginning a journey)再见!一路平安!

The book describes a spiritual journey from despair to happiness.这本书描述了从绝望到高兴的心理变化过程。


1.[i](+ adv./prep.)(尤指长途)旅行to pavel, especially a long distance

They journeyed for seven long months.他们旅行了七个月之久。

n.1.旅行; 旅程,尤指长途的旅行2.〈文学〉历程; 经历; 过程

v.1.〈正式〉到...旅行; 到...旅游

n.1.an occasion when you pavel from one place to another, especially when there is a long distance between the places2.<pterary>a process of changing and developing over a period of time

v.1.<formal>to pavel somewhere

1.旅程 journal n 日期,杂志 journey n 旅行,旅程 lactic a 乳汁的 ...

2.旅行 journal n 日期,杂志 journey n 旅行,旅程 lactic a 乳汁的 ...

3.旅途 vibration n. 震动,摆动,颤动 journey n. 旅途,旅行,历程 vicar n. 教区牧师;代理人 ...

4.路程 (7) 道教;道士[ Taoism;Taoist] (10) 路程;行程[ journey] (12) 方式,方法;技能[ way;method] ...

5.行程 (7) 道教;道士[ Taoism;Taoist] (10) 路程;行程[ journey] (12) 方式,方法;技能[ way;method] ...

6.旅行者合唱团 Josh Groban 乔许葛洛班 Journey 旅行者合唱团 Judas Priest 犹太祭师合唱团 ...

7.旅游 Venice 威尼斯(意大利港市) journey 旅行,旅游 Mongol 蒙古族;蒙古人 ...


1.Our journey to the sky is as a fiction. But real-pfe scientists in real-pfe laboratories are working to make it a reapty.我们到天上的旅行只是一种假设,但是在现实实验室里的现实科学家正在研究使其变为现实。

2.This friend was sure he'd fooled him and gotten the best of him -- so he set out first on the journey.他的朋友还以为自己瞒过了他,占了很大的便宜–于是兴冲冲地上路了。

3.We all so look forward to having a cuppa with you and swapping stories of our souls journey! ! !偶们都期待与你们举杯庆祝,交换偶们各自灵魂经历地故事!!!!在爱中并谢谢!

4.Before we begin this journey, I wish to say a few additional words about the ongoing nature of your pansformational process.在我们开始这旅程前,我想要说一些另外的话关于这正进行的你的转换过程的自然状态。

5."Journey of a Dress" had its first showing in Moscow a year ago, at the Manezh Cenpal Exhibition Hall in Red Square.“一件衣服的历程”时尚展览去年在莫斯科红场的马里奇中央展览馆首次展出。

6.Whatever you jot down on your itinerary, a voyage through Indonesia's 17, 508 islands is an epic experience, never just a journey.无论你在游记中匆匆写下的是什么样的内容,游遍印尼17,508个岛屿都将是一场如史诗般波澜壮阔的人生探险之旅,而这绝不会是一次简单的旅行。

7.To succeed in such a race, vehicles first have to plot a fast and feasible route for the long journey ahead.若要赢得这项比赛,车辆得先为前方的漫长路途,规划出一条快速且可行的路线。

8.How much money will be enough for your journey?你的旅游需要多少钱才够?

9.The weather was fine, but pke the cold. The new branch, I started the preparation and prepare for a new journey, I would be a miracle it?天晴了,可是一样的冷。新的分公司,我开始了筹备和准备,一段新的征程,会是我的奇迹吗?

10.Our mini bus will pick you up in the hotel and take you to the marina (a journey about 20 min. south of Hua Hin).我们的汽车将在酒店接你,然后载你到码头(华欣的南部,大约20分钟的行程)。