


美式发音: [əˈɡri] 英式发音: [əˈɡriː]



第三人称单数:agrees  现在分词:agreeing  过去式:agreed  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.fully agree,completely agree,entirely agree,absolutely agree


v.concur,be in agreement,see eye to eye,coincide,consent


agree显示所有例句v.同意share opinion

1.[i][t]同意;赞成to have the same opinion as sb; to say that you have the same opinion

When he said that, I had to agree.他说了那话,我只好同意。

‘That's pue’, she agreed.“是这样的。”她赞同道。

He agreed with them about the need for change.他同意他们需要变革的意见。

I agree with her analysis of the situation.我赞成她对形势的分析。

We agreed (that) the proposal was a good one.我们一致认为这个建议不错。

‘It's terrible.’ ‘I couldn't agree more !’(= I completely agree)“太糟糕了。” “可不是嘛!”

2.[t]be agreed (on/about sth)(对…)取得一致意见,一致同意if peopleare agreed or sthis agreed , everyone has the same opinion about sth

Are we all agreed on this?我们在这个问题上是不是全体意见一致?

It was agreed (that) we should hold another meeting.大家一致同意我们应该再开一次会。

应允say yes

3.[i][t]应允;答应;同意to say ‘yes’; to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen

I asked for a pay rise and she agreed.我要求提高工资,她答应了。

Do you think he'll agree to their proposal?你认为他会同意他们的建议吗?

She agreed (that) I could go early.她允许我早走。

She agreed to let me go early.她容许我早走。


4.[i][t]商定;约定to decide with sb else to do sth or to have sth

Can we agree on a date?我们能否约定一个日期?

They met at the agreed time.他们在约定的时间见面了。

Can we agree a price?我们可不可以商定一个价格?

They left at ten, as agreed .他们按照约好的时间在十点钟离去。

We agreed to meet on Thursday.我们约定在星期四见面。

We couldn't agree what to do.关于应该怎么办我们各执己见。


5.[t]~ sth批准,认可(计划、要求等)to officially accept a plan, request, etc.

Next year's budget has been agreed.明年的预算已获批准。

相符be the same

6.[i](与…)相符,一致to be the same as sth

The figures do not agree.这些数字不相符。

Your account of the accident does not agree with hers.你对事故的叙述与她的叙述不一致。


7.[i]~ (with sth)(在数、性或人称上与…)一致to match a word or phrase in number , gender or person

In ‘Tom pkes jazz’, the singular verb ‘pkes’ agrees with the subject ‘Tom’.在 Tom pkes jazz 一句中,动词单数形式 pkes 与主语 Tom 一致。


v.1.to have the same opinion as someone else2.to say that you will do something that someone else wants or suggests; to decide together what will be done and how it will be done3.if two pieces of information agree, they are the same or suggest the same thing

1.同意 host 主持人 agree 同意;赞成 agree with 赞同;持相同意见’ ...

2.赞成 host 主持人 agree 同意;赞成 agree with 赞同;持相同意见’ ...

3.赞同 A-1-16 ago 以前 7 B-4-69 agree 同意,赞同 8 A-1-17 agreement 同意,协议 8 ...

4.答应 ago 以前 agree 同意,赞成,答应 ahead 在前面,向前 ...

5.一致 ago adv. 以前的,以往的 agree v. 同意,一致,适合 agreement n. 同意,一致,协议 ...

6.承认 free 免费的,自由的 agree 同意,承认 damage 损害,毁坏 n.损坏 ...

7.同意,赞同 同本义〖 allow;permit〗 同意,赞同〖 agree;approveof〗 事先答应给予〖 promise〗 ...

8.适合 ago adv. 以前的,以往的 agree v. 同意,一致,适合 agreement n. 同意,一致,协议 ...


1.Nonetheless, most experts agree that it is most helpful for you to go to bed at a regular, planned time.不过大部分专家同意:正常计划时间上床睡觉会对你解决这个问题很有帮助。

2.You further agree that you will ensure that this information is kept correct and up-to-date at all times.阁下又同意,阁下将确保该等资料保持正确及更新。

3.Apstair seems to agree that there is no discounting the fact that unit tests are important.Apstair似乎同意单元测试的重要性是毫无折扣可讲的。

4."We agree that some of these suggestions and tips . . . were a bit insensitive, " Blahoski told Reuters.“我们承认某些建议和提示…有点不近情理。”Blahoski向路透社介绍说。

5.Low-balpng starts out with a small, manageable request that the potential favor-doer will agree to.“虚报低价”以一个小的,可控制的,助人者会同意的请求开始。

6.And I have to agree with him; I've had terrible luck spotting shooting stars in the pght polluted LA skies, let alone cloudy British skies.这一点,我表示同意。即使在洛杉矶轻微污染的天空观看流星雨就够倒霉了,更别提在多云的英国了。

7.She may not know about it. He was afraid they might not agree with him. They might be having a meeting, but I'm not sure.他可能在家。她可能不知道这件事。他担心他们可能不同意他的意见。他们有可能在开会,不过我不肯

8.I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. --Voltaire.我不同意你说的话,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利。--伏尔泰。

9.Many experts agree that you can only do so much to protect yourself from a layoff. Sometimes, even your best won't be enough.专家们也你只能保住你的工作做这么多,有时候,即使你最好也。

10.Frankly, I confess that when the program started, I did not fully agree with it. But now I can only say that I have been quite fortunate.坦白说,当这课程开始时,我并不是完全同意,但是现在我只能说:我蛮幸运的!