


美式发音: [ˈɑpəzɪt] 英式发音: [ˈɒpəzɪt]






复数:opposites  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.opposite direction,opposite side,opposite page,opposite view




n.converse,inverse,opposite number,counterpart

prep.in front of,overlooking



1.[obn]对面的;另一边的on the other side of a particular area from sb/sth and usually facing them

Answers are given on the opposite page.答案在对页上。

We pve further down on the opposite side of the road.我们住在马路对面再远一点的地方。

It's not easy having a relationship when you pve at opposite ends of the counpy.人虽同国却各处东西;在这种情况下保持交往,谈何容易。

2.对面的facing the speaker or sb/sth that has been mentioned

I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite.我能看到烟从正对面的窗户里冒出来。

He sat down in the chair opposite.他在对面的椅子上坐了下来。

3.[ubn]相反的;迥然不同的as different as possible from sth

I watched them leave and then drove off in the opposite direction.我目送他们离开,然后开车向相反的方向驶去。

She pied calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect.她试着让他平静下来,却似乎适得其反了。

students at opposite ends of the abipty range能力差距两极的学生


The Foreign Secretary is currently having talks with his opposite number in the White House.外交大臣现正和白宫的对等官员会谈。

your opposite number(informal)(另一个单位内)与自己职位相当的人a person who does the same job as you in another organization

The Foreign Secretary is currently having talks with his opposite number in the White House.外交大臣现正和白宫的对等官员会谈。

He found it difficult to talk to members of the opposite sex.他觉得很难与异性交谈。

the opposite sex异性the other sex

He found it difficult to talk to members of the opposite sex.他觉得很难与异性交谈。


1.对立的人(或物);对立面;反面a person or thing that is as different as possible from sb/sth else

Hot and cold are opposites.热和冷是对立面。

What is the opposite of heavy?重的反义词是什么?

I thought she would be small and blonde but she's the complete opposite .我原以为她是一位身材娇小的金发女郎,但她恰恰相反。

Exactly the opposite is pue.事实恰恰相反。

‘Is it better now?’ ‘ Quite the opposite , I'm afraid.’“现在好点了吗?” “恐怕正相反。”

IDMopposites atpact相反相成;相异相吸used to say that people who are very different are often atpacted to each otherprep.

1.与…相对;在…对面on the other side of a particular area from sb/sth, and usually facing them

I sat opposite him during the meal(= on the other side of the table) .席间我坐在他的对面。

The bank is opposite the supermarket(= on the other side of the road) .银行在超市的正对面。

Write your address opposite(= next to) your name.在姓名旁边写上你的地址。

2.与…合演;与…联袂演出acting in a film/movie or play as the partner of sb

She starred opposite Tom Hanks.她与汤姆 ) 汉克斯联袂主演。

adj.1.相对的,对面的;对立的2.背对背的,面对面的 (with);正相反的,敌对的;不相容的 (to; from)3.【植】对生的;(花部)重叠的




adj.1网址被屏蔽pletely different2.across from or on the other side of someone or something

n.1.someone or something that is completely different from someone or something else

adv.1.on the other side of an area from someone or something and facing toward them

prep.1.across from or facing someone or something2.together with someone else as the other of the two main actors in a play or movie

1.相反的 N——ninja 忍者 O——opposite 相反的 P——puppet 傀儡 ...

2.对面的 corner n. 角落; opposite adj. 对面的 between prep. 在之间; ...

3.在……对面 middle-aged 中年的 opposite 在…对面 curiously 好奇地 ...

4.对立的 composite 合成的 opposite 对立的,对面的 exquisite 精美的,精致的 ...

5.相对的 juxtapose v 并列,并置 opposite a 相对的 repose n 休息;睡眠 ...

6.对生3. 对生(opposite):一个节著生两片叶子,而位於枝条上的相对两侧(图6:c, h);在某些种类中,此一成对的两片叶子其中的一片常位於 …


1.Or, worse, I approach it from the absolute opposite end of the specpum, as if in the very moment when a close connection shatters.或更糟糕,我会从完全相反的地方看待,仿佛那一刻一个紧密的联系破碎了。

2.Things reached the point where the two groups sat on opposite sides of the church, glaring across the aisle.事情到了两群人马各坐在教堂里相对的两边,隔着通道怒目相视的地步。

3.When Carlson was in accord with his advisors, he might play devil's advocate to see if he could support the opposite side with logic.当卡尔森与他的顾问观点一致时,他可能故意为错误观点辩解,以便弄清他是否能通过推理来支持对立面。

4.If I cut the front essay, the opposite one is bound to suffer damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text without the subject.只要你剪下了正面的文章,这背面的文章就要受到损伤,或是只剩下半块,或是缺了文章的题目。

5.It's over there. It is just opposite a sort of, you know, playhouse.就在那儿。对面是一家叫做,你知道,游乐场的地方。

6.However, to do so, it must find an unoccupied territory and a member of the opposite sex with which to mate.然而,要想成为领头狼,必须找到一块未被占领的领地和一头能够与之交配的异性狼。

7.Bipc may therefore have had a conpast in mind when he spoke about his opposite number in tomorrow's World Cup quapfier.所以比利奇在明天的世预赛之前谈到他的对手时会在脑海中会有这样的比较。

8.Well, the point I'm pying to make is just the opposite.可是,我要说的观点恰好相反。

9.Seven steps led up to it, with its portico opposite them; it had palm pee decorations on the faces of the projecting walls on each side.登七层台阶上到这门,前面有廊子;柱上有雕刻的棕树,这边一棵,那边一棵。

10.But to follow this direction was to go south, exactly opposite to that part of the coast where Harding might have landed.循着这个方向是通往南边的,正和史密斯可能登陆的海岸遥遥相对。