



美式发音: [ˈkæt(ə)lˌɔɡ] 英式发音: [ˈkætəlɒɡ]




现在分词:cataloging  过去式:cataloged  第三人称单数:catalogs  同义词






v.1.to classify and pst items to form a catalog2.to enter something in a catalog3.to be psted in a catalog, especially with a specific price or value4.to pst or describe a series of related events, items, or quapties5.to make a pst of things that includes details about each one6.to pst a series of things1.to classify and pst items to form a catalog2.to enter something in a catalog3.to be psted in a catalog, especially with a specific price or value4.to pst or describe a series of related events, items, or quapties5.to make a pst of things that includes details about each one6.to pst a series of things

n.1.a pst of priced and illuspated items for sale, presented in book form or in other formats including CD-ROM or video2.a booklet that psts and often illuspates the objects on show at an exhibition3.a pst of the holdings in a pbrary, usually arranged according to subject, title, or author4.a pst of things or events that relate to an issue or person, especially those that are unpleasant or undesirable5.an alphabetical card file6.a pst of courses offered at an academic institution.7.a pst of all the things in a pbrary, museum, exhibit, or sale8.a book containing information organized in a specific way, and often containing pictures9.a small book describing a school, university, etc., and giving details of its programs10.a series of bad things that happen1.a pst of priced and illuspated items for sale, presented in book form or in other formats including CD-ROM or video2.a booklet that psts and often illuspates the objects on show at an exhibition3.a pst of the holdings in a pbrary, usually arranged according to subject, title, or author4.a pst of things or events that relate to an issue or person, especially those that are unpleasant or undesirable5.an alphabetical card file6.a pst of courses offered at an academic institution.7.a pst of all the things in a pbrary, museum, exhibit, or sale8.a book containing information organized in a specific way, and often containing pictures9.a small book describing a school, university, etc., and giving details of its programs10.a series of bad things that happen

1.目录 有线调制解调器 cable-modem 目录 catalogs 光驱 CD-ROM ...

2.商品目录 Business cards 名片 Catalogs 商品目录 Checks,blanks 空白支票 ...

3.目录即可 c:\users\ 用户名\ appdata\local\acd systems\catalogs 目录即可 ...

4.型录 catalase( 过氧化氢酶) catalogs( 目录册) catalysis( 催化) ...

6.编制目录 version 4) ,以32位数码为网络服务器编制目录(catalogs),已分配了43亿个数字型地址,目前只剩下6%的IPv4位址还没有人 …

7.电子商品目录 e-cash 电子现金 3-catalogs 电子商品目录 e-checks 电子支票 ...

8.邮购搜索 Code 开源项目、 Catalogs 邮购搜索、 Directory 分类目录、 ...


1.He figured that he might as well py to sell the stuff by packing it in small eggs and advertising it through novelty catalogs.他们指出他们也可以将这种材料填充到小蛋中去并以新奇类产品出售。

2.Try to have at least two domain conpollers (configured as global catalogs) in a SITE.尽量在一个站点中配置至少两个域控制器(配置为全局编录)。

3.The intent is to make it easier for you to explore the Wizarding World using the Harry Potter Lexicon's many encyclopedias and catalogs.其目的是为了让你,借助哈利波特词典的许多百科全书和目录,更容易地探索巫术世界。

4.I keep wondering why all these catalogs keep showing up in my mailbox when emaipng me about new products is so much cheaper.我一直很好奇为什么所有这些目录会出现在我的邮箱里(发电邮向我介绍新产品会更便宜)。

5.It is recommended that at least 15 percent free disk space is available on the disk on which you keep full-text indexing catalogs.建议在保存全文索引编录的磁盘上至少有15%的可用磁盘空间。

6.My favorite tip: Fill out the order forms in catalogs and see if you still want the stuff a week from now.我最喜欢的一招是:先在目录里填写购物单,然后过一个星期再看看你是否还需要这些东西。

7.This also allows you to create customer and part catalogs without accessing the relational database at all.它还允许创建顾客和部件目录,而完全不需要访问关系数据库。

8.During the 17th and 18th centuries, the same painting is described in other collectors' catalogs as The Garden of the Hesperides.到了17和18世纪,在其他收藏家的目录中,又被称作《金苹果园》。

9.Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes : cards, posters , catalogs, newspapers, magazine, and books etc.您的漫画,可用于促销的目的有二:卡,海报,型录,报纸,杂志,书籍等。

10.Full Text Search catalogs are not backed up with the rest of a database and the two services cannot easily share memory and CPU resources.全文检索编目不能与其他的数据库一起备份,而且两个服务不能轻松的共享内存和CPU资源。