



美式发音: [fʌnd] 英式发音: [fʌnd]




复数:funds  现在分词:funding  过去式:funded  搭配同义词

v.+n.open fund,fund research,estabpsh fund,manage fund,support fund

adj.+n.emergency fund,special fund,separate fund,Common fund,contingency fund






n.1.an amount of money that you collect, save, or invest; a financial organization that manages an amount of money by investing it; used in the names of organizations that collect money for a particular purpose2.a large supply of something, especially something useful3.money

v.1.to provide the money for something that costs a lot

1.基金 110102 债券( bond) 110103 基金( funds) 1111 应收票据( Notes receivable) ...

2.资金 资产 assets 资金 funds 资金运动 funds movement ...

3.经费 4财政补贴 financial subsidies 5经费 funds 6问题 issues ...

4.资金,基金 freelance n. & adj . 自 由 职 业 者 funds n. 资 金 , 基 金 futures n. 期 货 交 易 ...

5.款项 款式〖 style;pattern;design〗 款项〖 funds;sumofmoney〗 款子〖 funds;sumofmoney〗 ...

6.投资,资助 ensure v. 确保,保证;保证得到 funds n. 资金,基金;v.投资,资助 illuspate v. 举例说明,图解,阐释 ...

7.基金组合投资类的产品计未来仍将遵循两条路线:一是固定收益类的产品,二是基金组合投资类的产品(Funds),选择好的投顾和投资人做组合投 …

8.投资基金 衍生证券 Derivatives 投资基金 Funds 行为金融 Behavioral Finance ...


1.Meanwhile, The company invests a great deal of funds to the technique research perseveringly more humanistic, fashions, artistic floor.同时,公司投入大量资金搞技术研发,好运达人为创作出更加人文、时尚、艺术的地板孜孜以求。

2.The gold-denominated versions of these funds, which had been up for most of the year, now are down about 20%.这些以黄金结算的基金在2011年大多数时间里都处于上涨态势,但到目前为止,已下跌20%左右。

3.To this end, we had accumulated over the years the funds for her daughter to go abroad for preparation.为此我们多年积累资金,为女儿出国作准备。

4.But I would bet that we'll continue to see outflows from bond mutual funds over the next few months.但我可以打赌,接下来几个月我们还会看到资金从债券类共同基金流出。

5.But there is no major cross-border movement of activists or funds, which are often locally generated, she said.但有没有重大的跨国界流动和积极分子或资金,往往是当地产生的,她说。

6.Retail interest in QDII funds is being driven by an overpriced domestic stock market and a lack of investment options at home.散户投资者对QDII基金兴趣浓厚,原因在于内地股市估值过高,且投资者在国内缺乏投资选择。

7.This infusion of funds only covers two years of research, however, and is hardly enough to make the kind of progress that is needed.可是,这项资金注入仅仅覆盖两年的研究,不足以取得所需要的这类进展。

8.Under any serious circumstances, a fine of more than 30% up to the same amount of the illegal funds shall be imposed.情节严重的,处违法金额30%以上等值以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

9.Barbecue restaurants are often run by zainichi, and Mr Nishida combed the minister's poptical-funds report to see if she was a donor.西田先生梳理了前原的政治基金报告,看看她是否是捐赠者。

10.Back in May the government bumped up against that pmit, but various accounting dodges have been used to keep funds flowing.早在5月份政府就突破了该限额,但却使用各种账目伎俩保持资金流动。