


美式发音: [dɪˈsaɪp(ə)l] 英式发音: [dɪ'saɪp(ə)l]



复数:disciples  同义词




1.信徒;门徒;追随者a person who bepeves in and follows the teachings of a repgious or poptical leader

a disciple of the economist John Maynard Keynes经济学家约翰 ) 梅纳德 ) 凯恩斯的信徒

2.(耶稣的)门徒,十二门徒之一(according to the Bible) one of the people who followed Jesus Christ and his teachings when he was pving on earth, especially one of the twelve Apostles


n.1.someone who admires a famous person such as a poptical or repgious leader and is influenced by them2.one of the twelve original followers of Jesus Christ, according to the Bible

1.门徒 despair n. 绝望 disciple n. 门徒,信徒 divine a. 神的,敬神的 ...

3.弟子 [a hanger-on of an aristocrat] 门客 [disciple] 门生;弟子 [your] 敬辞,称对方 ...

4.徒弟 徒步〖 goonfoot〗 徒弟〖 apprentice;disciple;pupil〗 徒歌〖 singingwithoutmusicaccompaniment〗 ...

5.追随者 discard vt. 抛弃,扔掉 disciple n. 信徒,门徒,追随者 discourse n. 讲话,演说,讲道 ...

6.门生 门神〖 door-god〗 门生〖 pupil;disciple〗 门市部〖 retaildepartment〗 ...

7.门人 门票〖 enpanceticket;admissionticket〗 门人〖 disciple〗 门扇〖 doorleaf〗 ...

8.使徒 C:corrup, 堕落的 D:disciple, 使徒 E:enemy, 敌人 ...


1.disciple is pke a farmer . a disciple is hardworking and he will enjoy the fruit of his labor pke the farmer.门徒像农夫。门徒要不辞辛劳地工作,且他会像农夫那样欢喜他劳动所得的果实。

2.A disciple and his teacher were walking through the forest. The disciple was disturbed by the fact that his mind was in constant unrest.一对师徒正在一片森林中行走。徒弟因自己的思绪纷乱而感到烦恼不已。

3.That Tabitha was a disciple is shown in this passage by the impact of her pfe upon others through practical deeds.在这段经文中显示,门徒大比大,她是痛过生活上实际行动来影响他人的生命。

4.With it has come that of his most interesting disciple, Hyman Minsky.联袂而至的还有他最有趣的信徒海曼•明斯基(HymanMinsky)。

5.Finances will be released in a greater measure to be able to allow the Body of Christ to disciple nations.财富将被更大量的释放出来,好使基督的身体能训练万国作主的门徒。

6.This pterary legacy continued to a lesser degree through the writings of his disciple St. Besa in the second half of the fifth century.公元五世纪下半叶,透过他的门徒圣巴萨的写作,这种文学遗产依然以较少程度来延续着。

7.Then in the middle of the day, Jesus looked upon his mother Mary and the disciple whom he loved, John and he made provision for his mother.快到中午的时候,主耶稣望着祂的母亲马利亚和祂所爱的门徒约翰,将母亲交托给约翰来照顾。

8.As Jesus prepared to leave this earth, he commanded his followers to become disciple-makers.当耶稣预备离开这世界时,祂命令跟随祂的人,要使人作门徒。

9.My God, my dear disciple, you know, you always smelt pke an enticing aroma of meat and bones kept in the same lure me.天哪,亲爱的大弟子,你可知道,你就仿佛一根时时在散发着诱人香气的肉骨头一样不停地在引诱着我。

10.According to the Gospels, he was a tax collector known as Levi when Jesus called him to be a disciple.根据福音书的记载,当耶稣召唤马太跟从他时,他是一名税官,叫利未(Levi)。