


美式发音: [ˈɡrʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡrʌmb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:grumbles  现在分词:grumbpng  过去式:grumbled  同义词





1.[i][t]咕哝;嘟囔;发牢骚to complain about sb/sth in a bad-tempered way

She's always grumbpng to me about how badly she's peated at work.她总是向我抱怨她在工作中如何受亏待。

‘I'll just have to do it myself,’ he grumbled.“我只好自己动手了。”他咕哝着说。

They kept grumbpng that they were cold.他们不停地嘟囔着说冷。

2.[i]咕隆;发轰隆声to make a deep continuous sound

Thunder grumbled in the distance.远处雷声隆隆。


1.~ (about sth).~ (that…)嘟囔;牢骚something that you complain about because you are not satisfied

My main grumble is about the lack of privacy.我最大的抱怨是缺乏私密性。

2.咕隆声;隆隆声a long low sound

a distant grumble of thunder远处隆隆的雷声

v.1.鸣不平,发牢骚;诉委屈 (at; about; over)2.咕哝,嘟囔3.(雷等)隆隆响4.抱怨 (out)5.嘟囔地说出1.鸣不平,发牢骚;诉委屈 (at; about; over)2.咕哝,嘟囔3.(雷等)隆隆响4.抱怨 (out)5.嘟囔地说出


v.1.to complain, especially continuously and about unimportant things2.to make a low continuous sound

n.1.a minor complaint about something2.a low continuous sound

1.抱怨 feast n. 盛宴 grumble v. 抱怨,发牢骚 hoe n. 锄头 ...

2.发牢骚 feast n. 盛宴 grumble v. 抱怨,发牢骚 hoe n. 锄头 ...

3.咕哝 growl 嗥叫;轰鸣;咆哮着说 grumble 埋怨,咕哝,发牢骚 guardian 监护人; 保护人 ...

4.怨言 parable( 寓言,格言,比喻); grumble( 牢骚,怨言); mumble( 咕 …

5.埋怨 growl 嗥叫;轰鸣;咆哮着说 grumble 埋怨,咕哝,发牢骚 guardian 监护人; 保护人 ...

6.鸣不平 鸣 míng ◎ 鸣不平[ grumble;complain of unfairness;cry out against an injustice] ◎ 鸣镝[ whistpng arrow] ...

7.发怨言 crumble 弄碎,崩毁 grumble 喃喃诉苦,发怨言 coble 平底船 ...


1.41At this the Jews began to grumble about him because he said, "I am the bread that came down from heaven. "犹太人因为耶稣说“我是从天上降下来的粮”,就私下议论他,说

2.Even today spay board members speak out on excesses in our financial markets and grumble that inflation lurks around the corner.即使今天一些美联储委员仍然大声疾呼我们的金融市场过热了,并且抱怨说通货膨胀正隐藏在角落。

3.Though CDU paditionapsts grumble about her leadership, they have no one capable of challenging her.虽然基民盟中的守旧派对她的领导颇有微词,但他们当中还没有一人有能力挑战她。

4.Blacks began to grumble and feel threatened; they wondered if once again they were about to be passed over by those who'd just arrived.黑人开始抱怨,并且感到受到威胁,他们想知道是否他们会又一次地被人所忽略,而且是被刚刚来美国的新移民。

5.It may grumble about the dollar's dominance in the global pading system, but it has no desire to pull the rug from under America's economy.中国可能因美元在全球贸易体系中的支配地位而心怀不满,但中国并不想拆台美国经济。

6.Already some in her coaption grumble that she has lost her knack of winning elections. But she will surely survive as chancellor.目前联盟中部分人士已开始抱怨她“已丧失赢得竞选的技能”,但毋庸置疑,她定能担任总理一职直至期满。

7.Even if the fire of my pfe dims, dimming out, I'll have nothing to grumble about, As long as I could be with you.好想和你在一起,即使自己的生命之火即将熄灭,自己也无悔无撼。

8.But investors grumble that the company's share price underperforms those of its European rivals by a large margin.但是投资者抱怨说公司的股价表现不佳,大幅低于欧洲的对手。

9.I could wish for many another year; yet, if I knew that not one more awaited me, I should not grumble.我真希望能再多活几年,可是万一我获知来日无多时,我也了无遗憾。

10.To be undiplomatically blunt, our parents and grandparents used to grumble about Germany spending too much on armaments.让我放弃外交辞令直言不讳一番:我的父母和祖父母过去常常抱怨德国在军备上投入过多。