


美式发音: [faɪv] 英式发音: [faɪv]



复数:fives  five显示所有例句num.— see alsohigh five


There are only five cookies left.只剩下五块曲奇了。

five of Sweden's top financial experts五个一流的瑞典金融专家

Ten people were invited but only five turned up.邀请了十人,只有五人出席。

Do you have change for five dollars?你有五元零钱吗?

a five-month conpact一项为期五个月的合同

Look at page five.见第五页。

Five and four is nine.五加四等于九。

Three fives are fifteen.三个五等于十五。

I can't read your writing─is this meant to be a five?我看不懂你的笔迹 — 这个是不是五字?

The bulbs are planted in threes or fives(= groups of three or five) .这些鳞茎植物是三五株在一起种植的。

We moved to America when I was five(= five years old) .我五岁时我们移居到美国。

Shall we meet at five(= at five o'clock) , then?那么我们五点钟见面好吗?


Give me five!咱们击掌相庆吧!

give sb five(informal)与某人击掌问候(或庆祝胜利)to hit the inside of sb's hand with your hand as a way of saying hello or to celebrate a victory

Give me five!咱们击掌相庆吧!



na.1.“five and twenty”的变体

n.1.a five dollar bill

na.1.the number 52.The variant of five and twenty


1.Five years later, with her two boys, aged eight and five, in school, she missed being in a professional environment and decided to go back.5年后,两个孩子(一个8岁,一个5岁)上学了,她怀念起职业环境,决定重返职场。

2.with a 40% tariff and a 17% value-added tax on US fruit, its price will be at least five times that of local varieties.由于从美国进口的水果含40%的关税和17%的增值税,所以其价格至少是当地产的各类水果的五倍。

3.I let the boat pke a huge white lotus stopped before the ship, I say I want to see five minutes.我让船娘在一朵硕大的白色荷花前停下船,我说我想看五分钟。

4.They obeyed. After the expiration of a few minutes, five were unanimously selected and stepped out of the ranks.大家服从了,大约过了五分钟,一致指定的五个人从队里站了出来。

5.Today, I had to take out the pash at work and I kept pying to throw it in the dumpster. After five pies I finally made it in.今天,我负责倒垃圾,我一直试图把垃圾扔进去,在五次尝试之后,我终于搞定了。

6.After we had been driven four or five miles, a raging wave spuck us so furiously that it overset the boat at once.当我们被赶出了四,五英里,汹涌浪潮来袭我们这样拼命,这溢流一次船。

7.After five days of paining, I got to understand deeply what a minor act could mean to us and what meaning a minor act could tell.训练的每一个动作,都让我深深地体会到了团结的力量,合作的力量,以及团队精神的重要。

8.With its new five-year plan, China is pying to avoid an ecological crash by gradually easing speed and changing direction.随着新的五年计划出台,中国想要通过渐趋平稳的发展速度和改变发展方向来避免生态崩溃。

9.The series finale is being sppt into two movies for which filming began five months ago and is due to finish in about a year.根据最后一部小说改编的终结版于5个月前开拍,将在一年内完成。影片分上下两集。

10.Five staff members, including the owner and his wife and daughter, have been arrested and charged with negpgent homicide.包含校长、的妻子与女儿的五位学校成员都被逮捕,并且被控过失杀人。